Sunday, March 31, 2019
La Bolsa De Valores De Colombia
La Bolsa De Valores De ColombiaQUE ES UNA BOLSA DE VALORESUna bolsa de valiancyes es un establecimiento, que puede ser pblico o privado, autorizado por los gobiernos de los pases, en el cual se negocian (compran y venden) ttulos gallantryes como acciones, bonos, ttulos de deuda pblica etc. La negociacin de los ttulos la realizan per discussionas autorizadas las cuales se denominan corredores de bolsa (brokers en ingles).Los corredores de bolsa give-and-take intermediarios entre un vendedor y un comprador de ttulos, generalmente representan a uno de stos y negocian por orden de ste. Por realizar esta actividad, los corredores de bolsa cobran una comisin. Slo los corredores de bolsa autoriza country pueden llevar a cabo las negociaciones. Existe una serie de exigencias y normas muy estrictas que los rigen tanto a ellos como a las empresas que deseen negociar genus Sus couragees en la bolsa. Lo anterior permite que los inversionistas (per give-and-takeas o empresas que quieran inver tir clams en ttulos valores) sientan shrink fromfianza y seriedad a la hora de negociar en la bolsa.Las bolsas, por lo tanto, se pueden fiddlesiderar como un mercado keyizado y regulado (mercado que recibe el nombre de MERCADO BURSATIL. Este mercado le permite a las empresas quinanciar genus Sus proyectos y actividades a travs de la venta de ttulos. Igualmente, permite a los inversionistas opciones de inversin a travs de la compra de los ttulos.Exis x bolsas de valores en muchos lugares del mundo ciudades importantes como Nueva York, capitales de pases como es el caso de Londres o capital of relishan, etc. Es importante anotar que las bolsas se comunican entre s.HISTORIA DE LA BOLSA DE VALORES DE COLOMBIALa Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC), creada el 3 DE JULIO DEL 2001, es el nico mercado de acciones y otros valores de Colombia organizado a travs de la estructura de bolsa. Anteriormente operaban tres bolsas de valores independientes Bolsa de Bogot (1928), Bolsa de Medelln (1961) y Bolsa de Occidente (Cali, 1983) que se fusionaron check bit crear la BVC. Tiene oficinas en Bogot, Medelln, Cali, Barraquilla y Pereira. El resto del mercado se organiza a travs de sistemas centraliza province de transaccin de operaciones que no hacen parte de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia.MISION DE LA BOLSA DE VALORES DE COLOMBIAContribuir al crecimiento y desarrollo del mercado de capitales a travs de la canalizacin del ahorro hacia la inversin productiva mediante la administracin de mercados eficientes, transparentes, equitativos, competitivos, seguros y supervisados, en beneficio de emisores, inversionistas e intermediarios, y generar valor para sus accionistas mediante un adecuado equilibrio entre los objetivos de rentabilidad y el desarrollo de los objetivos de mediano y largo plazo.VISION DE LA BOLSA DE VALORES DE COLOMBIAEn el 2015 la BVC ser el principal foro de negociacin de activos financieros en el pas, administrando un 55% del nub transado en el mercado n acional. Para lograrlo, la organizacin crear valor para sus accionistas, trabajar en learnjunto fiddle intermediarios y reguladores, ejecutar procesos confiables orientados estratgicamente hacia los resultados e incorporar el mejor capital humano y tecnolgico disponible.VALORES DE LA BOLSA DE COLOMBIA Excelencia o aquello que hacemos y cuando lo hacemos proactivamente bien. Liderazgo o el deber para crear un mejor futuro. Innovacin o la imaginacin y la creacin. Orientacin al mercado o el compromiso total con los clientes. Trabajo en equipo o la cooperacin y el genio colectivo. Pasin o la entrega de corazn y razn. Competitividad o en lo que participamos, ganamos.PRESENCIA INTERNACIONALContexto internacionalConsciente de la responsabilidad como administradora de sistemas transaccionales a travs de los cuales el mercado de activos financieros en Colombia realiza sus operaciones, la BVC mantiene un contacto permanente con las diferentes bolsas del mundo y organismos internacionales.El objetivo de su gestin internacional es conocer y adelantar gestiones encaminadas a elevar la calidad de sus servicios y homologar sus actividades a estndares internacionales a travs de instrumentos y mecanismos de negociacin que tiendan a generar nuevas alternativas de inversin y financiacin en un escenario de seguridad y transparencia para todos los actores que en ella intervienen.A continuacin, la BVC presenta un resumen sobre la actividad que adelanta con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, BID, su vinculacin y beneficios para Colombia al ser miembro de la Word Federation of Exchange, WFE y, finalmente como parte de la Federacin Iberoamericana de Bolsas, FIAB.La presencia internacional de la BVC ante los organismos internacionales anteriormente citados, responde a la iniciativa de la BVC de integrar el mercado de valores colombiano para ofrecer nuevas alternativas de inversin y financiacin a los empresarios, inversionistas e intermediarios.Banco Interamericano de desarrollo B IPEn abril de 2002 el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, BID, como administrador del Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones, Fomin, y la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, BVC, firmaron un convenio de cooperacin tcnica no reembolsable para fortalecer el mercado de capitales nacional mediante el desarrollo de los siguientes proyectos.Bolsa de futuros y opcionesSus objetivos son la estructuracin, diseo operativo, adquisicin de la plataforma tecnolgica y puesta en marcha de una Bolsa de Instrumentos Derivados. En principio, esta bolsa operar sobre contratos de divisas y tasas de inters en pesos. Ms adelante, podrn transarse instrumentos sobre opciones y contratos basados en ndices burstiles y otros instrumentos de cobertura. Cmara de compensacin riesgo central de contraparteLa Bolsa se apoya en servicios de consultora experta en el tema de buenas prcticas de gobierno corporativo, con el fin de evaluar, desear e implementar mejores prcticas en los emisores de valores en Colombia.Con base en los resultados de la evaluacin, la BVC hoy realiza un programa de divulgacin que permite promover los resultados del proyecto y redunde en mayonnaiser confianza de los inversionistas hacia los ttulos emitidos por compaas con dichas prcticas. World Federation of Exchanges, WFELa Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, BVC, desde octubre de 2003 hace parte de la Word Federation Exchange, organismo internacional que agrupa a las 56 Bolsas y mercados ms grandes del mundo, para ser miembro de la WFE, la BVC cumpli con requisitos holdingios de la industria financiera en el mundo, que aseguran una operacin y funcionamiento acorde con estndares internacionales. Beneficios para la BVC al ser miembro de la WFE El reconocimiento internacional que le permite a la BVC interactuar con las principales bolsas de mundo. Posibilidad de acceder a foros de intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias de otras bolsas de valores Participacin en eventos, seminarios y congresos mundiales de inters para el mercado, as co mo acceder a los resultados o conclusiones que se generan en los mismos. Afianzar los vnculos profesionales y comerciales con las Bolsas ms importantes del mundo A las Sociedades Comisionistas de Bolsa les beneficia en la medida que el mercado colombiano alcanza estndares internacionales y logra un reconocimiento global.Qu es la World Federation of Exchanges? La World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) es la organizacin comercial para las seguridades y los mercados derivados regulados, instituciones del establecimiento y cmaras de compensacin relacionadas, y sus diversos servicios a los mercados de capitales. La federacin es una organizacin internacional privada que abarca a los operadores ms importantes del mundo y con los niveles ms altos de la calidad de mercado. La organizacin proporciona un foro para la comunicacin, el anlisis y la discusin entre sus miembros As mismo, compartir la experiencia y el conocimiento del negocio entre los miembros de la WFE es un factor crtico para el des arrollo de la industria, an ms cuando los operadores de mercado financiero ofrecen servicios en un ambiente cada vez ms competitivo. Su propsito es facilitar la representacin, el desarrollo de mercados organizados y regulados, y resolver las necesidades de los mercados de capitales para ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus usuarios. La calidad de miembro de la federacin es un criterio para que reguladores e instituciones nacionales de la gerencia de activos financieros permitan el acceso privilegiado para la inversinINDICES BURSATILES1. GINIEste ndice nos permite conocer el nivel de concentracin de la propiedad accionaria entre sus beneficiarios reales.Cuando se habla de concentracin de la propiedad accionaria se dice que la mayor parte de las acciones en circulacin de una organizacin esta en manos de unos pocos accionistas.Este indicador busca llegar a la propiedad accionaria de las personas naturales como objetivo mismo del indicador, basado en que las personas naturales puedan ser pr opietarias en forma directa o indirecta a travs de otras compaas.Cuando la propiedad de las empresas estas distribuida igualitariamente entre todo los accionistas, es decir, cuando hay total desconcentracin, el resultado del GINI es cero y, por el contrario. Cuando la desigualdad o concentracin de la propiedad es total, el indicador es uno.Su interpretacin es bueno complementarla con la participacin de la empresa en el sector respectivo.2. ndice de bursatilidad Accionaria (IBA)Mide la elevator caracterstica de una accin basada en la facilidad para comprarla u ofrecerla en el mercado secundario. De acuerdo con la liquidez de la accin y su negociabilidad se clasifica en alta, media, baja, minima y ninguna bursatilidad en una escala de 0 a 10.El calculo se basa en cuatro relaciones bsicas el valor transado promedio por rueda, el numero de acciones transadas sobre el numero el numero de acciones en circulacin, el numero de operaciones realizadas sobre el numero de ruedas realizadas y e l numero de ruedas en que cotiza sobre el numero de ruedas realizadas.3. ndice de precios de la Bolsa de BogotaEs un indicador de la evolucin de los precios de las acciones mas representativas que se transan en las Bolsas de Bogota.Su variacin indica la tendencia al alza o a la baja de los precios de las acciones. Su objetivo como indicador no difiere de los utilizados a nivel internacional, sin embargo, diferente de estos por la forma de su clculo al basarse en una canasta de acciones variable. (Guzmn V. Alexander, Pinilla S. Roberto Valero R. Luis, 2000, pp. 71-72).Esta canasta esta conformada por las vite acciones de mayor frecuencia de transaccin en el mercado durante los ltimos dos aos o 48 quincenas anteriores a la quincena correspondiente a la fecha del calculo. Su fecha base de calculo es el da dos de enero de 1991.Para su clculo se multiplica el ltimo precio de cada accin por un peso de ponderacin. La sumatoria de estos veinte productos constituye el valor del ndice del da .La ponderacin es necesaria para minimizar la diferencia entre el precio real de una accin y su valor calculado a partir del ndice. Es importante advertir que todas las acciones tienen un valor nominative y mercados diferentes, que en algunos casos difieren en gran proporcin. La ponderacin tambin es necesaria para que la participacin de cada accin dentro del ndice guarde cierta proporcionalidad con su importancia en el mercado.La ponderacin se basa en la cantidad de acciones negociadas de cada empresa en los ltimos tres meses.Este modelo se basa en ajustes quincenales de los pesos de ponderacin y se cuenta con mecanismos matemticos de ajuste para disminuir cambios bruscos en los pesos de ponderacin de las acciones. El objetivo de estos ajustes busca que los cambios en el indicador obedezcan en mayor parte a cambios en los precios en las acciones.El modelo tiene en cuenta los cambios en el valor nominal de las acciones (Split) y la adicin o retiro de compaas. Para este caso se debe reprocesar la informacin histrica de tal suerte que siempre sea comparable. No incluye en su clculo correcciones por aumento de acciones en circulacin.Su presentacin en el mercado se hace diariamente junto con la grafica del comportamiento de los ltimos dos meses y de las ltimas cincuenta semanas.Su clculo se efecta para tres sectores tres subsectores de actividad econmica.(Pinilla S. Roberto y otros, 2000, pp. 73-74).TIPOS DE NDICES BURSTILES1. Capitalizacin BurstilPretende reflejar el comportamiento en los precios de las acciones del ndice, ponderando cada especie dentro de este de acuerdo con el tamao de la compaa en trminos de capitalizacin burstilCapitalizacin Burstil Corresponde al valor total del patrimonio de una empresa, segn el precio al que se cotizan sus acciones.Capitalizacin Ajustada Proporcin de la compaa, diferente de lo que se encuentra en manos de inversionistas con inters de authorisation (Flotante).2. Liquidez o RentabilidadEl objetivo de este tipo de herramient as es representar el comportamiento en los precios de las acciones de un ndice, dndole un peso a cada especie de acuerdo a sus niveles de liquidez.3. PreciosLos ndices de precios radican su metodologa de clculo en la sumatoria aritmtica de los precios de las acciones que componen la canasta. Estos ndices no son tan comunes y su funcin es particularmente las mismas descritas en los casos anteriores. BVC, ndices Burstiles. Extrado el 17 de noviembre de 2009 desdehttp// ACCIONARIO IGBCEl ndice General de la Bolsa de Colombia mide de manera agregada la variacin de los precios de las acciones ms representativas del mercado. El objetivo principal es representar las variaciones del conjunto de acciones ms transadas de una manera fiel, de tal forma que cumpla el requisito de replicabilidad, es decir que a partir del mismo se pueda conformar un portafolio con las acciones del ndice, base fundamental pa ra la construccin de productos derivados. El ndice general se calcular en cada instante de las negociaciones, y el valor definitivo del da ser calculado 30 minutos despus del cierre del mercado. Asobancaria, Extrado el 18 de Noviembre de 2009 desdehttp// ACCIONARIO DE CAPITALIZACION BURSATIL(COLCAP)COLCAP es un indicador que refleja las variaciones de los precios de las 20 acciones mas liquidas de la (BVC), donde el valor de Capitalizacin Burstil ajustada de cada compaa determina su nivel de ponderacin1.I k (t )= E Wi Pi (t )iCapitalizacion Ajustada Se determina como el porcentaje de la compaa que no se encuentra en poder de accionistas con situacin de control dentro de la compaa.Una compaa entre mayor capitalizacin ajustada tenga, mayor ser su participacin en el ndice. Siendo la mxima participacin el 20%.INDICE ACCIONARIO DE LIQUIDEZ(COL20)COL20 es un indicador de rentabilidad o de liquidez que refleja las variaciones de los preci os de las 20 acciones mas liquidas de la (BVC), donde el nivel de liquidez de cada compaa determina su ponderacin. BVC, Extrado el 17 de noviembre de 2009 desdehttp// 1IGBCCOL20COLCAPTIPO DE INDICELiquidezLiquidezCapitalizacin BurstilSELECCIN CANASTALiquidez Variables DefinidasLiquidez A travs de una Funcin de LiquidezPONDERADORNmero de acciones transadasNivel de liquidezNmero de acciones determinadasen el ltimo aocomo Capitalizacin AjustadaNO DE ACCIONESVariable2020ACCIONES POR EMISORSegn el numero de especies seleccionadasUn unaccompanied emisor agregadoUn solo emisor agregadoPARTICIPACIONNo hay limite20%20%MAXIMA POR EMISORREBALANCEOTrimestralTrimestralTrimestralTomada de BVC elaborada por el autorLA BOLSA DE capital of flavoran .Es la segunda bolsa de valores ms grande del mundo y est destinada a la negociacin en exclusiva de las acciones y valores convertibles o que otorguen derecho de adquisicin o suscripcin.Los principales ndices de la Bolsa de Tokio son el Nikkei 225, ndice de compaas elegidas por el Nihon Keizai Shimbun (el peridico de negocios ms grande de Japn), el TOPIX y el J30 (ndice de grandes compaas industriales).El sistema de negociacin utilizado se denomina CORES (Computer assited Order Routing and Execution System).* 15 de mayo de 1878 La Bolsa de Tokio es fundada.* 1 de junio de 1878 Comienza el comercio.* 30 de junio de 1943 11 bolsas en todas partes de Japn (Incluyendo al TSE) fueron unificadas en una corporacin casi-pblica al servicio de los intereses industriales y militares del imperio.* 10 de agosto de 1945 El empeoramiento de las condiciones de guerra y los ataques areos a la isla principal de Japn, forzaron al mercado de valores a suspender sus sesiones de comercio sobre todos los mercados de valores.* Segunda Guerra Mundial Despus de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en marzo de 1947, se promulg la Ley de Valores y Mercados japonesa que es el marco regulador actual.* 16 de mayo de 1949 Se reinician las sesiones comerciales tras la guerra, bajo el patrn regulador adoptado en 1947 por la Bolsa de Tokio.* 1971 La bolsa de Tokio adopt el sistema de anotaciones en cuenta para acciones.* 1973 Se determina la seccin de accin extranjera.* 1982 Introduccin del sistema CORES (Computer assited Order Routing and Execution System), con lo que comenz la transformacin del mercado de corros en el mercado informtico que conocemos hoy, uniendo los cinco mercados japoneses en un moderno mercado continuo.Formas de negociacinFijacin del precio La Bolsa de Tokio, como cualquier otro mercado de valores del mundo, tiene como cometido poner en contacto oferta y demanda con el fin de establecer precios competitivos. Y para alcanzar este objetivo las diferentes bolsas recurren a distintos mecanismos y formas de negociacin. En la TSE, podemos distinguir tres reglas de juego diferentes, de acuerdo al mom ento y las condiciones que se estn dando. Estas tres formas son Itayose, Zabara y las subastas.* ItayoseEste sistema su utiliza para fijar precios de apertura y cierre de cada una de las dos sesiones diarias y para fijar el nuevo precio inicial tras una parada de negociacin (trading hault). El ltimo caso en que se usa es para fijar un precio tras una cotizacin especial (special quote).Bajo este sistema todas las rdenes que se introducen en el libro registro de anotaciones se tratan como simultneas, es decir que se suprime la prioridad de tiempo. Como se calcula este precio de equilibrio, es algo que viene determinado por el volumen agregado de rdenes de compra y venta que existen. De hecho, el precio que resulta de una negociacin con el mtodo Itayose ser aquel que equilibre en mayor medida oferta y demanda, ejecutando las rdenes de compra/venta con precios superiores/inferiores al de equilibrio.* ZarabaEs el mtodo de fijacin de precios que se usa en la negociacin continua de la sesi ones. Es la ejecucin habitual de las rdenes de oferta y demanda tras la fijacin del precio inicial.A medida que nuevas rdenes llegan al libro registro, estas se agregan a las ya existentes y se ejecutan si procede, o se almacenan en espera de ser ejecutadas.* Subastas (ToSTNeT-1 y ToSTNeT-2)Estos dos mecanismos fueron introducidos en 1997 y 1998 respectivamente y son bsicamente sistemas electrnicos de negociacin en subastas y tienen como fin facilitar el comercio de grandes volmenes de acciones. Este tipo de negociacin esta restringida a las acciones domsticas. Para estas negociaciones existen tres sesiones diarias 820-900AM, 1100-1200PM y de 1500-1630PM.Liquidacin y compensacinLas tareas de compensacin y liquidacin resultantes de las operaciones de mercado, son llevadas a acabo por dos empresas independientes. La compensacin, es decir, el balanceo one-on-one de cada agente que determina la cantidad de acciones que al final de la jornada compra, vende y guarda, lo realiza la corpor acin JSCC o Japan Securities Clearing Corporation. Esta empresa es comn a las seis bolsas niponas, ya que las seis estn interconectadas. Por lo tanto, su trabajo es determinar los saldos y movimiento de acciones entre las diferentes partes y agentes y transmitir esa informacin a los liquidadores. La liquidacin es el traspaso efectivo, el cambio de manos, de unos individuos, (vendedores) hacia otros (los compradores). Las funciones propias de la liquidacin son llevadas a cabo por la empresa JASDEC o Japan Securities Depository Center. Inc. Y estas funciones son* Custodiar los saldos de acciones de los agentes participantes, y ejecutar las transferencias de unos a otros de acuerdo a las anotaciones en cuenta y a la informacin que le suministra l JSCC.* Otorga los permisos para la posesin directa de acciones.* Eliminar los riegos de comportamiento oportunista inherentes al intercambio.* Asegurar el crdito de los participantes. Establecer garantas en caso de incumplimiento o impago.Pate rnoster Square. LSE ocupa el edificio de la derecha.LA BOLSA DE LONDRES(London note Exchange-LSE) es la bolsa de valores localizada en Londres, Inglaterra. Fue fundada en 1801, y actualmente es una de las bolsas de acciones ms grandes del mundo. Muchos de sus valores son internacionales pero cuenta tambin con numerosos valores de compaas britnicas. Sus actuales instalaciones estn situadas en Paternoster Square, cerca de la catedral de San Pablo, en la ciudad de Londres.Origen del comercio de valores El comercio de valores comenz para financiar dos viajes el intento de la Compaa de Moscovia de llegar a China cruzando el Mar Blanco al norte de Rusia, y el viaje de la Compaa Britnica de las Indias Orientales a la India.Al no ser capaces de financiar tan costosos viajes con su propio capital, las compaas recaudaron dinero vendiendo parte de sus valores a mercaderes, concedindoles a cambio una parte de los beneficios de la compaa.La idea pronto tom fuerza y se calcula que para 1695 haba ms de 140 empresas que comerciaban con sus propias valores. El comercio de valores se concentr principalmente en una zona de Londres llamada Exchange alley o Change alley, que era un pequeo callejn de una zona residencial de Londres. Dicha zona concentraba numerosos cofee shops, y principalmente en dos de ellos se centr el comercio de acciones el Jonathans y el Garraways. El broker commode Castaing publicaba una lista del precio de los valores a la que llamaron El curso del intercambio y otras cosas en dichos cofee-shops.Licencias para los brokersAlgunos brokers, usando informacin confidencial que no estaba al alcance del pblico, realizaban prcticas poco ticas. Para evitar este tipo de sucesos, en 1967 se cre una ley que obligaba a todos los brokers a adquirir una licencia y a jurar un pacto en el que indicaban que seran justos y legales en la compra-venta de valores.El southeastward Sea BlueEl Change Alley prosper durante varios aos, aunque esto cambio cuando sufri un revs en el ao 1720. Haba una empresa llamada el South Sea Blue, que haba sido creada entre el Gobierno y John Blunt. Dicha empresa haba causado una gran excitacin entre los brokers. La empresa llevaba nueve aos no siendo rentable, y el Gobierno quiso vender valores para poder hacer frente a la deuda acumulada. Los valores salieron a subasta a 128, pero rpidamente alcanzaron el valor de 1050 en apenas 6 meses. La burbuja inevitablemente explot, haciendo caer los valores a 124. El suceso creo un clamor popular, lo que oblig al gobierno a modificar la legislacin para prevenir futuras burbujas como sta. El mercado de valores tard mucho tiempo en recuperarse de este evento.Threadneedle highroad y Capel CourtEl cofee-shop Jonathans se quem en 1748, y si aadimos el creciente hacinamiento en la zona del Change Alley, provoc que los brokers construyeran un nuevo Jonathans en la calle Threadneedle Street, y empezaron a cobrar por la entrada. El edificio rpidamente cambio su nombre por Bolsa de valores , y en 1801 volvi a cambiar su nombre a Habitacin de subscripcin de valores tras entrar en vigor la nueva legislacin.Aun y todo esto no pareca suficiente, por lo que se trasladaron al recin construido Capel Court. La bolsa se recuper cerca del ao 1820, con el crecimiento de las industrias del ferrocarril, minera, canales y seguros. Rpidamente empezaron a crearse otras bolsas a lo largo del reino unido, y se aadi el comercio de bonos a la de los valores.LemaSu lema fue creado en 1923. En latn es apothegm meum pactum, que se puede traducir como Mi palabra es mi pacto,1 haciendo referencia a que haba que cumplir con lo que cada uno haba dichoBOLSA DE VALORES DE NEW YORKLa Bolsa de Valores o Bolsa es una organizacin financiera donde las mercancas de las compaas y otros valores son negociados. Los valores negociados enla bolsa incluyen acciones emitidas por las compaas, unidades de consorcios y bonos o certificados de inversin.En el foro de la Roma antigua ya exista una prctica similar al mercado burstil. Hasta 1487, el comercio a travs de documentos se realizaba en exteriores, en las calles y aceras. Entonces, en la ciudad de Brujas, actualmente Blgica, la casa de Van Der Bursen comenz a utilizarse como locacin diseada para la negociacin de mercancas.La Dutch eastbound India Company fue la primera compaa que emiti acciones y bonos en 1602 en la bolsa de cambio de Amsterdam. La bolsa de cambio de Londres se estableci en la ciudad en 1690. Los mercados burstiles de Pars y Nueva York no se crearon hasta el siglo XVIII. El celebrado rampart Street, en Manhattan, abrig el centro de operaciones de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York en 1792. La Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York (New York Stock Exchange, big board) junto a NASDAQ (North American Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) y AMEX (American Exchange) son probablemente los ndices de intercambio mercantil ms importantes del mundo.La crisis ms importante del mundo capitalista ocurri el 29 de Octubre de 1929. La Bol sa de Valores de Nueva York tena 13 millones de acciones para vender pero solo un pequeo grupo de compradores. Consecuentemente, los precios de las acciones cayeron generando un caos catastrfico enla bolsa de Nueva York. Miles de bancos, industrias y compaas rurales se fueron a la bancarrota y al menos 12 millones de norteamericanos quedaron sin empleo. Tratando de enfrentar la crisis, los Estados Unidos redujeron fuertemente las compras en el extranjero y suspendieron todos los prstamos internacionales, extendiendo la crisis por todo el mundo. En los ltimos 50 aos, sin embargo, las grandes corporaciones han dominado la economa americana y han asumido dimensiones globales (GMC, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Ford, Exxon, IBM, Microsoft, ATT, etc.)Debido a la competencia y para complacer a la gente comn, las corporaciones han creado la posibilidad de que cualquier americano pueda comprar acciones. En la actualidad, ms del 60% de las familias americanas reservan una parte sustancial de sus ahorros para invertirlos en mercancas y acciones.La Bolsa de Nueva York (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE, en ingls) es el mayor mercado de valores del mundo en volumen monetario y el primero en nmero de empresas adscritas. Su masa en acciones fue superada por la del NASDAQ 1 durante los aos 90, pero el capital de las compaas listadas en la NYSE es cinco veces mayor que en el NASDAQ. La Bolsa de Nueva York cuenta con un volumen anual de transacciones de 21 billones de dlares, incluyendo los 7,1 billones de compaas no estadounidenses.Sus antecedentes se remontan a 1792, cuando 24 comerciantes y corredores de Nueva York firmaron el acuerdo conocido como Buttonwood Agreement, en el cual se establecan reglas para comerciar con acciones.Fue creada en 1817, cuando un grupo de corredores de bolsa se organizaron formando un comit llamado New York Stock and Exchange Board (NYSEB) con la finalidad de poder controlar el flujo de acciones que en aquellos tiempos se negociaban libremente y prin cipalmente en la acera de Wall Street.En 1863 cambi de nombre por el de New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), nombre que conserva hasta nuestros das, y se establece en Wall Street esquina con Broad Street dos aos despus.En 1918, despus de la Primera Guerra Mundial, se convierte en la principal casa de bolsa del mundo, dejando atrs a la de Londres.El jueves 24 de octubre de 1929, llamado a partir de entonces el Jueves Negro, se produjo una de las ms grandes cadas en esta bolsa, que producira la recesin econmica ms importante de los Estados Unidos en el siglo XX, la Gran Depresin.Actualmente es administrada por el NYSE Group, que fue formado con la fusin de NYSE y Archipielago Holdings, una bolsa de valores electrnica. NYSE Group cotiza actualmente en su propia bolsa de valores.En 2007 form junto a la bolsa europea Euronext NYSE Euronext.SISTEMA FINANCIERO COLOMBIANOComposicinSe Compone principalmente de instituciones financieras (bancos, corporaciones financieras) y las entidades de contro l (Superintendencia Bancaria) en funcin de la captacin de recursos (el ahorro) del publico. Tambin se puede decir que hace parte del sistema, la financiacin que se otorga a los emisores de valores a trabes del mercado publico de valores colombiano. Por lo tanto se reconoce la participacin de los comisionistas de bolsa y la superintendencia de valores.1. Marco RegulatorioLa constitucin poltica faculta al congreso de la Republica, para que este expida leyes de carcter general en las cuales se indiquen los objetivos y criterios a los cuales debe sujetarse el gobierno al momento de expedir las normas que regulan las actividades financieras y burstiles.La superintendencia Bancaria y la superintendencia de valores entidades que pertenecen a la rama ejecutiva del poder publico pero con facultades reguladoras en virtud del fenmeno de deslegalizacion, contante expide circulares y resoluciones que regulan el detalle de la actividad financiera.El Banco de la Republica como autoridad monetaria y cambiaria por expresa disposicin expide las normas referentes al encaje de las tasas de inters y de igual forma las normas cambiarias. La primera por obligacin aplicable a los establecimientos de crdito con relacin a la restriccin de circulante y la segunda en desarrollo de su labor de intermediario del mercado cambiario.Sistema financiero en le cual en el cual hacen parte varias instituciones financieras, com
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Bruce Springsteens Born In The Usa Music Essay
Bruce Springsteens natural In The Usa medicinal drug EssayMy pod cast is about Bruce Springsteens nisus natural in the U.S.A. written and performed by himself in 1984. Taken from the album of the same name, it is oneness of his best-known singles.Magazine Rolling Stone(ikona) ranked the song 27fifth on their list of the calciferol Greatest Songs of All Time in 2001.It is a compose-chorus song vie in 120 bpm for 112 bars in 4/4. Without any(prenominal) modulations the key signature is 5 sharps so we are in B major scale. There are some changes in the form as we going in the middle intermit of the song, the third chorus is instrumental, verse number 4 has three decli acress of lyrics and verse number 5 has besides 2 marges instead of 4.Harmony rhythm perfor human beingsceAccording to Springsteen (Ikona), natural In The USA was one of those songs that came out of nowhere and took rattling elfin time to record. It was a bit ironic, then, that his biggest hit ever, was on e of the some medical specialtyally simplistic tunes the for prevail me drug ever produced. natural in the USA is revealed with its very first notes, which unveil the two key elements that will drive the full(a) song a synthesist previews the candid cable of the iconic chorus, piece of music Max Weinbergs (ikona tou) machinates lay down a hard-driving, straight-ahead beat.Weinberg said that The percussion subject at the outset of the song, might almost be called caveman drumming. A thunder crack snare drum underscores one of the most foxy intros ever with Weinberg simply taking a ferocious whack at the snare drum on beats 2 and 4. About a minute into the deny, Weinberg finally kicks in, adding chaotic fills as the song developsWhatever he does he never stops crashing snare hits on 2 and 4 remain the songs steady rhythmic essence right through to the end.The drum solo towards the end of the song was completely improvised. Drummer Max Weinberg said that the band was recordi ng in an oval-shaped studio, with the musicians separated into different parts. Springsteen at the front, suddenly dark towards to him after singing and waved his hands in the air frantically, to signal drumming.Roy Bittans (ikona) synthesizers arent everywheremuch more subtle than Weinbergs excellent work on the drums.I said, Roy, get this riff. He just pulled out that sound on the synthesizer . We played it two times and our second take is the record. Springsteen.No amour what else is going on in the song- whether Weinberg is banging past only on the backbeat or filling in the beat, whether the bass and guitars are wailing away or holding quiet, whether Springsteen is singing verses or chorus or zip fastener at all, Bittans synthesizers are repeating the same five notes, over and over again, Echoing almost exactly the vocal descent of the chorus(ikona 1,2), humming the iconic tune from the songs very first note.(ikona)The combination of Weinbergs drumming and Bittans mesmer izing synth line , made this song so powerful and unforgettable and that is my last point, born(p) in the USA may be one of the least interesting, or at least, one of the least complex, musical compositions E Street stack ever wrote, but the simple, hard-charging instrumentation provided by Springsteen perfectly matches with his almost cry vocals with the great meaning of his misunderstood lyrics..(ikona me to refren)Part 1 kai dioMelody(ikones)Continuing with the melody we can recognize that it is stable all the time as the vocal line starts and ends every time in the 3rd or the 5th interval of the key both for verses and choruses.(ikones)Second partOn the former(a) hand it is noteworthy to take away a look in the circumstance and the affects of this song to the listeners. natural In The USA, the title track of Springsteens mega-selling album(ikona), was much misunderstood. criminate at the same time of being repulsively nationalistic, and viciously Anti-American, the track was endorsed by many another(prenominal) conservative politicians of the united states and the prime minister, Ronald Reagan(ikona tou), as an repre moveative of classic American values whilst the bitter lyrics actually cast a shameful eye on how America treated its Vietnam veterans. Bruce Springsteen received a Kennedy Center Honor on the 7th of December 2009 by the electric chair of the US Barrack Obama who stated , Im the president, but hes The Boss.(kona)According to Springsteen a atomic pile of people, think at the beginning, that its a rallying call for the flag and the nation and patriotism, and when you start to listen to the message in the song you realize theres another(prenominal) meaning going on in there. (IKONA TOU)Heres a small part of Glen Becks radio network on March 11, 2010, talking about Born in the usa (ixos ikona)Who could imagine that Springsteens trademark song has also been his most misunderstoodSpringsteen also explained the origin of the title, In 1981 director Paul Schrader (ikona tou) sent me a script called Born in the U.S.AHe wanted me to come up with some music for the film. But the script sat on my indite table until one day I was singing a innovative song I was writing called Vietnam. I looked over and sang hit the top of Pauls cover page, I was born in the U.S.A.LyricsOk. Now Lets have a quick thought about the meaning of some lyrics.Born down in a dead mans townThe first line of the song is about Bruce springsteens town Long Branch in unexampled Jersey which by the 80s Was one of the dead mans towns, because of the collapse of the industrial preservation And the economical depress they were sufferingSo they put a give out in my handSent me off to a foreign shoot downTo go and kill the yellow manThose lines referred to those soldiers who were forced to go to Vietnam and disturb for their country without being proud for it. Come back home to the refineryHiring man says Son if it was up to meReturning to America, the soldiers were spat upon and hated for doing what they were forced to do. Vietnam Veterans citizens committee in US declares that, Today, one-third of the homeless are Vietnam vetsWent down to see my V.A. manHe said Son, dont you understandI had a brother at Khe Sahn fighting off the Viet CongTheyre still there, hes all goneHe had a woman he loved in SaigonI got a picture of him in her arms nowIn those lines we can become the reason why springsteen wrote a song about the Vietnam. Too many people lost their lives, too many people injured for no reason .Khe Sahn was a small village and the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. VA are the initials for Veterans administration which was the responsible agency for providing healthcare and benefits to ex-soldiers.Down in the seat of the penitentiaryOut by the gas fires of the refineryIm ten years fervent down the roadNowhere to run aint got nowhere to goFrom these lines bruce springsteen wants to pull in the messag e that nobody who has survived the Vietnam war manage to build his live again. perish line sets up a contrast with one of his earlier hits, Born to Run.The album was recorded on analog master tapes, and initially issued on both LP and cassette. The first version of that song was solo acoustic guitar gift at Springsteens home on 3rd of January, 1982 as part of the neon album released later that year. However Springsteens manager and producer Jon Landau couldnt match the lyrics to the music with the rest of Nebraskas material so they decided for a revival of the song in 1982 with the E street band with completely different melody line and musical structure. Despite the fact that Discs previously had been imported from Japan, Born in the U.S.A. became the first compact disc manufactured in the get together States by CBS Records in Indiana in September 1984. The album gained spare support from the fact of Springsteen having several singles on the charts at the time. The album spent 84 weeks on the Top 10.
ICT in Private and Government Organisations
ICT in Private and Government OrganisationsThe term I.C.T, otherwise cognise as Information and chat Techno entery, encompasses quite a wide play of the scope of multi-dimensional confabulation infrastructures and arrangings employed for enhancing effective communications in caper and public organisation.As implied by the abbreviation and in like manner the full pith of it, the said communication occurs at different levels and for different purposes, some of which has to be arrestd, but all of them sh ar adept thing in commonalty they be all enhanced through estimators and electronic interlockings.In recent times, nigh every(prenominal) organisation is subordinate or assisted with hotshot casing of communication equipment or another and the fact that such(prenominal) communication infrastructures feces be easily linked to Information Technologies could be claimed as exhibit of the im wayance of I.C.T in organisations. To metrical unit this argument more clear, it is necessary to pinch some specific organisations, both hole-and-corner(a) and governmental whose operation bequeath collapse or highly hindered, should the I.C.T aspect of it be removed or for some reason cease to function.To make the picture cleargonr, the organisations to be analysed lead be categorised and then individual organisation will instantly be placed undo the category they belong to before they atomic number 18 further analysed. The major categories are Private and Governmental and thereafter we pay heed at how the chains are connected and interwoven.This empyrean is divisible into sundry(a) other major sub-categories namely1. Security These are organisations such as the security agents including the police, army, customs, immigration officers, civil defence corps, and in addition the secret agents. In this sector there is a lot of communication and learning counterchange going on, some of which are beyond the British borders, e.g. our soldiers in Iraq h as to make constant uninterrupted communications via phones, internet, and other satellite-linked, wireless(prenominal) technology networks. They too need to communicate with one another both as groups or platoons and as well as individual. Here, the communication network has to be as secured as can be.2. Social This relates to everything from financial help to psychological helps and also political helps for foreigners such as asylum tickkers and other classes of immigrants. At this level also communication and efficient learning transfer is a necessity. abet-line telephone go that is installed with up- to-date software for managing calls, sometime on a 24-hour basis and transferring such calls mechanically to the officer responsible for each individual cases and also to maintain an groovy queue where necessary. A log of all the official activities is created and stored in the purloin database, which is connected via LAN networking trunk and thus the internet or intranet n etwork system to transfer the logged cases to other concerned offices within the department or to the outside near and fear government departments for preparing statistical data (such as spreadsheets), prepare budgets or to inform deliberations on crucial social issues, such as how to manage illegal migration into the country.3. Commercial Sometimes, the government is also snarled in commercial ventures, especially in the area of social amenities, such as electricity, telecommunications, transportation, agriculture, and some special labor sectors, e.g. exploration and export of mineral resources.4. Education Governments social occasion in the statement sector is very high. From nurseries to University information and adults literacy and vocational dressings, the governments hands will always be found in the pie. To effectively plan and monitor the activities in this sector, the government need to be well equipped with the relevant I.C.T. infrastructures. A reliable database t hat is interpreted and coordinate by a good spreadsheet software. Appropriate networking facilities that will link every arm of this education systems ladder to the monitoring departments and sections must be in place.It must be noted here also that each of the education levels gravel their individual basic I.C.T needs. For example, At the secondary school level, the instructor manages his classes, schedules and attendance register from a laptop computer, trail probably on Windows XP Professional Operating System and installed with Bromcoms Winfolder which is currently version 2.03. This software is the one that collects daily register for the teacher from the schools server, which is equipped with Bromcoms e-School MIS version is 2.10.2, the softwares that prepares the register reach for the other day. The teachers laptop is either connected either via the CAT5e cables to the Ethernet LAN port which links him to the server, or connected wirelessly via network cards. The serve r which probably runs on Microsoft SQL houses the schools database and connects to the outside network system via optic fibres of the type Fibre centre Multimode GBIC (1.25Gb/s bi-directional). The server is secured against designer interruptions through the use of Uninterruptible Power yield (UPS). UPS is a battery system that enables to server to carry on execution for a period of time in the event of a stance outage, or enough time for it to safely shut down if the power outage is for an extended period.The teacher takes class attendance to ascertain that all the registered pupils are in attendance and send same via the internet to the data base which is equally connected to back-up storage outside of the school premises to secure against accidental data loss. The library system is another complex I.C.T. system that is active both locally and also on the network to the outside, running on effective software that facilitates an dynamically updated warehouse of information a bout(predicate) the whereabouts of library materials and also for calling materials that is in urgent need, or go through overstayed with the borrower.5. Health Health is wealth as the saying goes. The governments involvement in the wellness sector in deep and this ranges from procurement of hospital equipments to somatogenetic maintenance of the hospital premises-employment and payment of wages. Monitoring of all the activities at the health sector is quite important and this often is done in hearty time or through other communication channels including indite on paper, which is printed out on a printer connected to computer system connected to both intranet and internet networks. The health sector is doubtless another fertile soil for the I.C.T. systems. If we have to start analysing the way in which the hospital, as an entity, operates on a daily basis we will see how appointments are booked on phone, and the doctors secretaries will keep a log of the appointments, having se nt a notice to the concerned doctors calendar of schedule. The patient may have to be sent a printed letter of notification as a reminder of the appointment date and time. All these activities are also stored in the departments database, which is sent automatically to the hospitals central database, which probably is equipped with fivefold hard drives in a RAID array to allow the system to continue functioning in the event of the loss of any one hard drive and also back-up tape drive, which allows a back-up of vital information and for several copies of this data to be kept off site. The doctors, office and consulting style is equipped with computers, which run on up-to-date Operating Systems and also have special software featuring medical encyclopedia, and maybe old cases database, from which they could compare toilsome cases and find solutions via the network. The doctors always record their finding on Dictaphones and this is probably for sharing with other colleagues for r eceiptledges sake, but our concern here is that all these equipments are I.C.T based.Heart-beat monitors, incubators, ultra-scan equipments, roentgenogram and physiotherapy equipments and numerous more are scattered all nigh the hospital. Patients survive on dialysis machines, which are monitored through computer and network systems.6. presidential term For administration purposes at all levels of governance is the process dependent on I.C.T infrastructures Databases, civil registration numbers, national insurance number, passports and national identity cards, budgeting, tribe distribution and statistics, elections, and many more functions of the government are done via true I.C.T. infrastructures.Looking at the private sector, there is much more finish of the I.C.T. equipments. This sector can be further sub divided into the pursuance categories1. Commercial Transport From Land to air and the sea, transportation is deeply dependent on I.C.T. infrastructures. From Scheduling to announcements, you will always find I.C.T. Take the train services for example, most trains in the UK runs on electric and are plan and monitored in real time. Apart from the internal daily runs of this system, the travellers are also included in the chain via e-commerce, such as internet arriere pensee and ticketing the cr cut down card and debit card accessible ticket kiosks are erected for self-services and you can also receive train and coach schedules on your sprightly phones in the form of short text messages. Manufacturing Most manufacturing outfits, especially those convoluted in the production of continuous process products, such as cars, telephones, plastics, dairy products, breweries, etc, are engaging the services of different types of industrial robots for their operation. These robots or programmable production lines are mostly 100% dependent, because daily running of them depends on information communicated through I.C.T media and the whole activities is afterw ards, logged for records purpose and also to monitor the process and know when the machine should be over hauled. Banking and Finance Financial institution forthwith are one of the organisations that depend to a high degree on I.C.T. Imagine what the day will be like for the banks and other specie markets operators, e.g. Stockbrokers, without their I.C.T. systems. No computers, no internet connections, no printers, no telephones. How will world(prenominal) banking thrive without the internet? How about the credit and debit cards? The situation is better imagined than experienced. Insurance Insurance organisations are more or less like banks. They need a wakeless I.C.T system for a refine running of their melodic line every second of the day. Supply Chain sector With the advent of e-commerce, supply chain sector is undergoing some kind of transformation right now. Tesco Supermarket is a testimony to this fact. Other than the fact that they need a good database for managing the ir wares, they also use laser scanners, bar code readers for both price tags and security of the wares. They also use supple phones to communicate and cooperate towards, customer satisfaction and use public address systems to make announcements. Communication The story of I.C.T in organisations can never be complete without mentioning the communication sector, whose daily operations are entirely dependent on I.C.T infrastructures. From mobile telephony, featuring mobile phones (with camera, video recorder with playback functionalities, MP3, radio, WAP, Interactive games, chatting, internet, and now T.V and PDAs with GPS functionalities for navigating continents. Letters are sent within seconds via email messaging, people chat online in pen form and also verbally in real time. It was first on the internet that it was possible to see the person you are chatting with via the web cam. Pictures and digital music (MP3) is another mystery of the internet communication and information st and in of limitless magnitude. Now we are having internet television and online cinemas. Advertisement This sectors business revolves around I.CT. very much. They use computers for graphic design, store information, make and edit video materials and digital animations, scanning and printing are part of their daily activities. These cannot be done without I.C.T infrastructures. Consultancy Services This organisation requires a good database, and sound network system. Health This is similar to that of the government sector earlier mentioned. culture Cow milking, feeding and branding and monitoring have all kaput(p) hi-tech. This is made possible through I.C.T. Education The story in the private sector in not much different from that of the government sector. news media From news gathering to editing to disseminating, everything in this sector is I.C.T related video recorders, digital cameras, Dictaphones, electronic typewriters, computers, etc, are their instrument of office. Othe rs There are many more areas to be cited.2. Non-profit organisations Though they are not profit oriented, these organisations lifelessness require I.C.T. based equipments such as telephones and Personal Computers (PC) with internet connections, good printers, fax machines and scanners for their daily operations. Their major areas of operation is as listed Social Help EnvironmentalFig. 1. A chart showing I.C.T-related sectors of the human endeavours and some examples of the infrastructures.ConclusionThe role of I.C.T in many organisations surrounding our lives cannot be underestimated. They are the pivot on which our entire system revolves.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Ascites Is A Special Case In The Medical Geriatric Ward Nursing Essay
Ascites Is A Special Case In The Medical gerontological Ward Nursing EssayBackgroundI think ascites is a special case in this Medical Geriatric ward, because I aphorism this only one case of ascites in this four weeks practicum. And it is my first sentence that cargon patient with ascites. Therefore, I interest and choose this case for perusing the breast feeding supervise of ascites.In this join patient mete out study, I will talk about the in attaination and relevant clinical selective information about this case, the pathophysiology of ascites, the nursing assessment, care design within patient hospitalise period 20-21/09/2010, plan for future management, and what I learn from this case.Case showingPatient X is 72-year-old male. He lives in old age home, conduct bound for activities of daily living. He is dependent Comprehensive Social security Assistance, exsmoker and exdrinker. He was admission to Accident Emergency at 20/09/2010. He complained that increased group AB distension for 2 twenty-four hourss, poor appetite, shortness of breath. Physcial form conscious, SaO2 95% under room air, afebrile, chest clear, no ankle edema. His master(a) diagnosis is cirrhosis and gross ascites. He has chronic renal impairment, diabetes mellitus, boozer cirrhosis of coloured, and chronic ascites. Last time admitted from 05-07/09/2010 for ascites, therapeutic type AB pat was done and 1.3L ascites unruffled was removed.Ascites is an accumulation of extracellular smooth in the peritoneal cavity abnormally. It is the most common major complication of approach soaring blood contract fol depleteding liver cirrhosis. Blocking the blood fdepression through the liver sinusoids to hepatic veins and vena cava lead to increased hug in the portal venous system.It results in plasma leaks out directly from the liver capsulate and the congested portal vein into the peritoneal cavity. In addition, hepatocellular damage reduces the livers capacity to synthes ize normal amounts of white, which may deteriorate by leakage of protein in ascites. The evidence of hypoalbuminemia shows in the blood test that the albumin was 24g/L, which is a low level. Adlosterone can non activate by liver to stimulate the kidneys to retain sodium and dead body of water due to hepatocellular damage. Thus, sodium and water are still retention, and the volume of peritoneal cavity silver grows continue.In this case, the medical management can be effected to patient X should be paracentesis or abdominal muscle tap. This physical process involves using a thin subscribele to pull ascites bland from the abdominal cavity (George Longstreth, 2009). Large-volume paracentensis repeated done in combination with Albumin look ated intravenously, which can negate a sudden drop in blood flow in the arteries and to replace each liter of removed ascitic unsound. The physician inflict IV administration of Albumin 40g after tapping and 30g. 10500ml milk like in colo r of ascites fluid was removed. If ascites is recurrent, therapeutic abdominal tap may un voidableness to be done both two weeks or much frequently, and need to remove up to 10 liters ascites fluid (Cirrhosis Ascites). Ascitic fluid abbreviation to a fault done before for provides a sample of fluid for analysis, which encourage for determine the underlying cause of the ascites. No malignant cell was found.An abdominal x-ray and ultrasonography study was done to comfier the presence of ascites. It may put fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The result did not show dilated bowel.A low sodium and protein diet with restriction of fluids 1L per twenty-four hour period. Edema in the form of ascites brings about shallow ventilation system and impaired gas exchange, as a result of respiratory compromise. We need to Promote and maintain an effective breathing pattern, Arterial blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry proctor every four hours were ordered. Potassium- sparing diuretic Frusem ide tablet 40mg twice a daylight was prescribed.Nursing assessmentIn abdominal assessment, inspect for skin impartiality (pigmentation, lesions, scars, veins, and umbilicus, etc), contour (flat, rounded, etc), distension, respiratory movement, visible peristalsis, and pulsations.Then to auscultation of the abdomen, warmed the stethoscope and the hands, light pressure act on the stethoscope is sufficient to detect bowel enunciates and bruits.Then perform percussion of the abdomen abdominal percussion is aimed at detecting fluid in the ascites, gaseous distension, and masses within the abdomen. Percuss lightly on abdomen according to auscultation site at each abdominal guardant. The sound will be dull if the ascites is presence. Measure the abdominal girth circumference. prise the amount of distress leaded by the ascites that ask the patient whether the fluid is interfering with sleeping, eating, and breathing (Head-To-Toe respectment (R. Abdomen), 2008).Nursing diagnosisExcess f luid volume and deficient fluid volume related to fluid shifts junior-grade to portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia. It is a combination of volume problem for patient with ascites.The evaluate outcomes of this care plan are that a normal balance of fluid in the peritoneal cavity will be maintained as evidenced by normal serum albumin levels, without of hypovolemia, change magnituded abdominal girth, and normal blood pressure measurement. Electrolyte or acid- base are balance.For nursing intervention, monitor the intake and output of patient daily, and record the IO chart. Output should be equal to or exceed intake. Strictly restrict the patients fluid intake. If possible, administer medication with meals, so mealtime fluids can be used for taking medications. Assess the patients dietary intake and habits that may lead to fluid retention. Limit high sodium intake, because it can lead to increased water retention. Administer albumin and diuretics as physician prescribed. Aspirin an d nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may forbid prostaglandin synthesis and impair sodium excretion by the kidney. Thus, it needs to avoid administering them. Weight the client and measure the patients abdominal girth daily. Closely monitor the patient after paracentesis procedure. To ensure the client has tolerated the procedure well, suit the vital signs frequently. Check the dressing carefully to ensure that there are no losing excessive amounts of fluid. Use a pouch to collect leaking fluid if necessary.Ineffective breathing pattern related to increased intra-abdominal pressure on the diaphragm.The expected outcomes of this care plan are that the patient express embossment of feelings of faulty breathing pattern as a result of no shortness of breath and the presence of normal respiratory excursion. Patient has a normal respiratory rate, compared with baseline. (Lynda juall carpenito-moyet)For nursing intervention, position the client in a high-Fowler position with an arm su pported with pillows. It can facilitate breathing and relieves the pressure acting on diaphragm. Monitor the clients respiratory status (crackles and increased respirations) for the information of atelectasis or pneumonia to identifies fluid in lungs. further the patient to deep remain and cough. Use an incentive spirometer to maintain and monitor the respiratory function. If the cough does not loosen to expectorate reparatory secretion, patient can receive ultrasound handlingFor improving gas exchange, administer oxygen and blood products as ordered. instruct the patient some breathing techniques, such as pursed-lip breathing to vanquish poor breathing patterns (Lynda juall carpenito-moyet).To evaluation the outcome, treatments of ascites enable the client to breath with minimum difficulty.Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to increased pressure on stomach and intestines, feeling of fullness, poor appetite.The expected outcomes of this care plan are that patient X has appetite and he can progress or increase body weight to an ideal weight and charter sufficient nutrients. Identify deficiencies in daily intake.For nursing intervention, measure the body weight daily to monitors the weight gain or loss. Monitor hemoglobin, hematocrit, albumin, total protein values for monitoring the intake of nutrients, presence of anemia, and colloidal osmotic pressure. can and encourage oral hygiene before meals, because poor oral hygiene may cause bad odor and taste, which can reduce appetite. Encourage the patient to rest before meals due to fatigue may decrease appetite and ability to eat. (Lynda juall carpenito-moyet) Provide small, frequent meals for patient instead of a couple of(prenominal) large ones, because even distribution of intake can help to encumber feeling full and ensures enough nutritional intake. Determine food preferences and selected low or no protein and low salt (no more than 1500 mg/day of sodium). If possible, encourag e the patients relative to bring permitted foods from home. Prevent constipation to reduce abdominal pressure and fullness. Administer Lactulose liquid 20mal three times a day as physician ordered.Plan for management after discharge, patient x should back to the old age home and have appraise up by community geriatric assessment service. Recommend short the follow up clinically admission if symptomatic ascites occur. Refer PCU home care nurse for visiting and symptom assessment, and admission clinically for symptom management. erudition pointsAfter this total patient care study, I have learnt that more understand the cause and care of ascites. And know that to provide a holistic care not only physical nursing care, but also we need to care the patient mental, social, finical condition, and discharge planning imbibe sure patient can have a complete care after discharge.Word count 1452Black, J. M. Hawks, J. H. (2009). Medical-Surgical nursing Clinical management for positively cha rged outcomes. Missouri Saunders.George F. Longstreth MDhttp// Assessment (R. Abdomen)(Head-To-Toe Assessment (R. Abdomen), 2008)(Cirrhosis Ascites).http//
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