Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Qualitative Social Research Essay

Sociological researcher, Steven Taylor, in his articles discusses the moral and ethical issues researchers must grapple with when they are carrying out studies of abusive behavior in institutions that have weak and disadvantaged people in our society. He cites his own 1 year work experience in a state institution for the mentally retarded to highlight his concerns. He describes it as being in deplorable physical condition and grossly understaffed. The attendants had little training and there were no therapy programs. They controlled the inmates through verbal and physical abuse directly to them and forcing them to clean up their own mess, including feces and urine. They also pitted some inmates against others, such as giving and withholding favors of coffee, food and drugs. Further they forced them to perform humiliating acts such as swallowing lit cigarettes and performing fellatio on each other. Mr. Taylor felt that in order to gain the trust of the attendants and thereby get more valid observations, he had to develop a rapport with them. He did so by drinking beer with them and socializing in other ways. He also played the naive student role and refrained from being critical about their methods. Nevertheless, he was troubled by the abusive behavior he witnessed, but in a quandary as to what to do about it. The attendants, for their part, rationalized their behavior by saying â€Å"the inmates don’t hurt like we do† and treating their actions as entertainment. Personally, I suspect they really didn’t know how to properly treat the inmates and were desperate to try anything that seemed to control them at least in the short run. The author then posed the question as to what the researcher should do in the face of this ethical dilemma during his study. He considered 4 alternatives ; 1)intervene. , for example to as attendant to stop or threaten to inform his supervisor. The problem with this approach is that it would spell an end to rapport with the attendants and thereby hinder the researcher’s ability to collect data on daily activities. 2) leave field. But research is needed to learn why people abuse. 3) blow the whistle. This would obviously shatter rapport and violate the confidentiality provisions of the ASA Code of Ethics. 4 continue study- which is what Mr. Taylor did. Obviously he felt that although this might not appear to be a good option it was the â€Å"least bad† to him. The author then suggests 4 ways to deal with immoral acts; 1 participation in abuses. He contends this is never justified, and that research goals can be accomplished without making human subjects suffer. Furthermore it is I clear violation of the ASA Code of Ethics. 2 ) observation of abuse. This may be the price to pay for conducting field research in immoral situations, but a person can never sit idly by in extreme cases like murder and rape. 3 inadvertently contribute to abuse because of reactive effects . It is clear that often this can’t be controlled by the researcher and therefore can’t be resolved by a professional code of ethics. However the researcher can refrain from encouraging it, for example pretending not to hear an invitation to join in such behavior. 4) doing something about abuse after study, that is, by publishing it and trying to get political action especially through mass media such as TV and newspapers. Finally Taylor concludes the researcher should 1) debate moral and ethical issues before embarking on a particular study and 2) make his own assessment about how to resolve professional ethics and personal morality. Reference Taylor, Steven J. â€Å"Observing Abuse. Professional Ethics and Personal Morality in Field Research†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Contributing to the UCF Community

What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the UCF community? If there has been some obstacle or â€Å"bump in the road,† in your academic or personal life, please explain the circumstances. Embodying the qualities of a woo, developer, and competitor, I believe that I could further strengthen the UCF community. As a woo, I win others over- enjoying the challenge of meeting other people and not stopping until they do like me. Rarely at a loss for words, learning everyone’s names and finding things in common motivates me to continue making connections and making a stranger a friend.The characteristics of being a woo lead me to be a developer- seeing the potential in everyone. I understand that no two people are the same, and so when I do meet people I hope to help them in the growth to succeed. As a competitor, it allows me to be the developer I am because I don’t like to stop until I know what I came to do is fini shed. I am completely aware of others around me and thrive off their energy and competitiveness as well. I would take these characteristics and implement them into UCF.I would teach others to be yourself and embrace meeting others, enable the endless possibilities within each individual, and race to the finish line of anything you do with all your might. All my life was based around sports; they were the cheese to my Cheetos and the peanut butter to my jelly. After many captain positions, MVPs, and 1st place trophies, I entered my senior year of high school. However, I tore my ACL at one of the first football practices of the year. When the doctor told me I tore my ACL, I couldn’t believe what I heard.â€Å"Crutching† as fast as I could as if it were the last quarter of the game, I went home and researched what I could do to recover quickly. Each time I watch sporting games and a player goes down, that snapshot in time reoccurs in my mind as if it were featured on ESPN ’s Not Top 10 Plays and achieving that number 1 spot. Everything that I worked for now was just a fumble; I realized that I could not just rely solely on sports for achievements in my life- rather, have that athletic talent be my crutch to success.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Perental Responsibilty Laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Perental Responsibilty Laws - Research Paper Example Furthermore, these liabilities do not intrude on the common law responsibilities of the parents that are connected to the failure of parents averting a child’s action that might be in any way harmful. Comparing the common law and the Parental responsibility laws, where the former does not put a parent responsible for their child’s actions by design, the latter acts as a medium where it puts the parent directly responsible for any minimum intentional damage caused by the child (Lehrer 2009). Combining it with criminal justice, Sage (2009) mentions the ‘duty of control’ view in which parents are liable for their children’s action if they have not adequately controlled the child. That is, if the control was adequate, they cannot be answerable. In such an instance, controlling the life of a child is limited to only stopping them from engaging in any criminal behavior. If the dos and don’ts are effectively controlled by the parents, then they are n ot responsible for the crime. According to Dr. Weatherburn (as cited in Loeber and Louber, 1986) in the US research, the criminal behavior is directly related to the parental control. This research stated that the parent factors that make way to such crime include the likes of neglect, conflict and discipline, deviant parental behaviors and attitudes, and family disruption. The research also stated that if the amount of neglected children rises to 1000, then the number of children involved in crime would increase to 256. Thus, with the positive relation revealed, it is eminent to control the above stated parental factors. However, these laws are not implied on the parents until their child reaches the age of 8 and 10. Also, the laws are no more applicable once the child crosses the age of majority which may differ with each border. This law first originated in the forties in the state of Hawaii. After 1846, it became one of the most widely implemented laws; those parents who were re sponsible for the intentional crimes of their children ended up following the statutes of civil liability (Weatherburn, 2004). After it originated in Hawaii, the first state to add to the law was Colorado in 1903. Since then, almost all of the states in the US have adopted such types of laws. The law divides the juvenile crime in two. One is the civil offense and the other is criminal in nature (Weatherburn, 2004). Considering the Australian courts, the Family Law Reform Act was applied in 1995 with several amendments. In 2006, a â€Å"friendly parent† provision was introduced that considered the overall relation each parent had with the other regarding the matters related to children (Benevolent society). As for UK, the first legislation was imposed in 1933 in which those parents whose child made an offence became the subject of penalty. In Ireland, the willful ignorance of parents on the behalf of their children, thus, leading to criminal behavior, is taken into considerati on under the Children Act 2001 (Roth 2006). Therefore, apart from the legislative measures in the above stated countries, it becomes evident that the significance of parent responsibility is becoming increasingly important (Roth 2006). It also becomes apparent that these legislations have been a part of the above mentioned nations for long. However, there was one incident that really gave pace to fighting youth crime. In 1996, one Provenzino case caught the attention of the entire

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Privacy as a Basic Individual Right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Privacy as a Basic Individual Right - Essay Example However, privacy runs through out the constitution in the 27 amendments. Regardless of the purpose of the act or legislation, it has an effect on the privacy of an individual. (Yero, 2006). Most scholars of the law interpret the ninth amendment to mean that certain rights of the individual though not exclusively described in the bill of rights need to be protected. The privacy right, therefore, extends to anonymity, security and bodily integrity. Dignity and respect are the fundamental principles that define the need for privacy. To argue my point, I will look at a controversial aspect of human beings that is life and death. The controversy of life and death in regard to invasion or restriction to privacy can be seen in the following situations; prisoners on death row, euthanasia, abortion and termination of medical treatment. Euthanasia: this is the intentional inducement of death at the request of the victim (person dying). Persons seek euthanasia because they need to be relieved f rom dire pain or want a dignified exit from the world if they are for instance in a gross, non reversible state. In past cases, the courts gave rulings in support of rule utilitarian utterly disregarding act utilitarian. However, the interference of human rights activities in the situation has led to considerations on the matter (McDougall, 2008). Case study: Britain, 1992, Dr Cox faced prosecution for allegedly performing Euthanasia. The patient, Mrs. Boyes, aside from being terminally ill was in excruciating pain. To end her suffering, she requested her doctor to end her life. During court proceedings, the argument on whether or not the patient had the right to request death and the doctor’s jurisdiction on the matter took centre stage. The prosecution argued that the patient was in pain, making delusional and, therefore, prone to make life threatening decisions. In response to this claim, the family said the patient was sane hence her decision to choose death instead of li ving in pain. From the above case, the question of personal liberties springs up. Do individuals have the personal liberty to take their own life at will? Are there exceptional circumstances where the law allows an individual to die? The patient wanted to die with dignity, she also expected her doctor to respect her decision to die and finally, to maintain her bodily integrity. Closer home; there is the Quinlan vs. Missouri State case. In 1975, Ann Quinlan went into a coma that reduced her to a vegetative state. Her parents legally took up the role of making decisions for her. Ann’s parents were Catholics (privacy of beliefs, 1st Amendment) (Yero, 2006) in which case they believed in the sanctity of life but not in living by support of artificial means. In view of this, they decided that Ann should not be on life support machines. The state challenged the parents stand, but the courts ruled in favor of Ann’s parents, therefore, respecting their religious stand. Contrad ictions: Jurisdictions impinge upon an individual’s right to privacy on the matter of life and death. The American law describes mercy killings as criminal homicide despite personal liberties. So where is the contradiction? The state of Oregon for instance passed the assisted suicide and Death with Dignity Act making euthanasia a personal liberty. In Texas, the Advance Directives Act Section 166.046 affords medical and health care facilities the right to terminate life-sustaining treatment in cases where continued treatment is futile. Therefore, in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Humanities - Essay Example Roman glass makers used The Hellenic technique of sagging glass for open form cups and bowls over a convex mould in casting in the 1st century BC The glass blowing technique allowed the development of myriad shapes and designs which revolutionalized glass industry all over Europe. It also increased the uses of glass in many aspects of life all over the Roman Empire because it was easier to make it. The war victories by Romans led to more conquests which were possible because the Appian Way was there. This led to contact with other cultures hence the Roman culture had a lot of influence from many parts of Europe. Slaves of war brought their cultural influence. The Roman Empire was able to spread its culture throughout Europe including Latin and this was only possible because the army was well supplied and could move in speed to any â€Å"theatre of war† as Claudius had intended. Mostly, such works were made when the aristocrat was alive and as such, it paints a connection of the present to the past. The Roman art was predisposed to realism unlike that of the Greeks. An aristocrat would like such a depictive sculpture made to indicate to his lineage that life is a continuous journey and in addition, to make a connection to great personalities who existed before them. The care with which the aristocrat holds the busts shows reverence and not disdain as scalp hunter would hold their trophies in contempt. 2. The aqueducts; these shows the brilliance in utilizing natural resources to serve the needs of the people. To date, not many cities can boast such magnificent displays of genius in serving their populace. 3. The use of concrete; the Roman Empire is still remembered because there is proof of how great they were through existing buildings like the Parthenon. To date, concrete is still the material of choice centuries after the brilliant Roman engineers invented it. The colloseum

Friday, July 26, 2019

Certified Aviation Manager Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Certified Aviation Manager Program - Essay Example This personal and corporate assurance is a first step into the responsibility of management, and is also serves as a guide to my future obligations to the industry. My goal of working as a department manager will necessitate that I prepare for this additional responsibility. A department manager is accountable to corporate interests as well as being responsible to their employee's concerns and needs. These may be the interactions that take place on a professional level between employees, or may involve the long-term corporate strategy of aviation scheduling or security. CAM Certification provides the foundation for insuring that the qualified manager has the breadth of education and experience required to operate in that capacity. It will assure that I not only have the scope of knowledge necessary, but will also provide me with the confidence that I have the most up to date information and state of the art methods available. The aviation industry is a rapidly changing landscape. Increased regulation, new technology, and heightened security concerns place a high demand on managers in aviation to demonstrate their capability to address many different issues. CAM Certification is a focal point where like minded aviation professionals can exchange ideas and remain current on the state of aviation.

Business Structure Advice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Structure Advice - Coursework Example A market survey can also give you valuable information on how to overcome the challenges, spot the present and the future troubles in the business and discover other opportunities. Financing a business that is just starting is always very difficult. The person in business should know the amount of cash that is actually required to begin and drive the business. You can start a business with the individual money or capital obtained from acquaintances, and relatives (Kurtz, & Boone, 2011). The individual investments show your obligation to the business and also give you a chance to request support from the government subsidy. This subsidy may be a loan for which you are expected to pay back the principal amount including the interest. These business loans are either short term or long term hence it will depend on the size of the business you want to venture in. There are different business structures or forms. You should consider what business form is efficient for your needs depending on whether you want to conduct the business by yourself, or you want to do it with a colleague. According to Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor (2012), an appropriate business form is determined by monetary, individual, law and duty issues. The following types may be suitable for a new business venture: Sole proprietorship: This is a business owned by a single person. The owner is entirely in charge of all its operations. All the earnings from the business are for the sole proprietor. It is possible for the owner to use own assets to remove the debts. Sole proprietorship is advantageous because: it is easy to start, the starting fee is moderately low, the management load is small, the owner is fully in charge and can make his choices in the business, and all the income goes directly to the owner. However, this form of activity has open problems, for instance, if you have debts, the individual resources will be used to remove the debts. There is also no stability in business

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Counter Terrorism in Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 42

Counter Terrorism in Iraq - Essay Example Later in March 22nd, other three people were killed by suicide car bomber, who detonated the bomb at a checkpoint in Sayed Sadiq. That year only, there were 25 suicide bombings executed by 32 attackers. Approximately 151,000 to 600,000 or more Iraqis were killed in the first 3–4 years of conflict (Reese, 2009). Since then, terrorism has evolved and propagated over a decade up to date. This has compromised the national security of the country, with the instability paving the way for more terrorist recruitment and invasion. Most of these terrorist groups were formed to oppose the US forces that invaded their country on 20 March 2003. They were joined by the United Kingdom, several coalition associates, and the post-invasion Iraqi government. The US also had an objective of destroying Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. The dictatorship government was led by Saddam Hussein (Griffin 2004). There are several major terrorist groups, operating in Iraq, that pose a major national security to that nation, with the main one being Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or Sham or Levant) or ISIS, led by Ibrahim Al-Badri, also known as Al-Baghdadi. They are centered in Syria and Iraq. It is a Wahhabi jihadist extremist militant group, mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria. As of March 2015, it has control over a region occupied by 10 million people in Iraq and Syria, and through trustworthy native groups, it has control over small areas of Libya, Nigeria and Afghanistan (Griffin 2004). On 29 June 2014, the group declared itself to be an international caliphate, where it entitles itself religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide (Reese, 2009). The Asaib Ahl-Haq militia is yet another major terrorism group, operating on Iraq grounds.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

God's Omniscient; Man Isn't Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

God's Omniscient; Man Isn't - Essay Example 3.5). Just like Moses after them, Abraham and Joseph humbled themselves before God and sought His wisdom and direction rather than relying upon their own reasoning and intellect. Moses, the man who stood up to Pharaoh and parted the Red Sea, demonstrates through the accounts of Abraham and Joseph that strength, victory, and wisdom come through a humble dependence on God for knowledge, while weakness, defeat, and foolishness are a result of a prideful reliance on one’s own knowledge and ability. Abraham, whose name means â€Å"father of many,† ironically lived his first 100 years as the father on none, and Moses goes through great length to show the unshakeable faith Israel’s patriarch, which is demonstrated through his leaning on God’s promises. God’s first promise to Abraham (at this time, â€Å"Abram†) was to make him into a great nation (Gen. 12.2). God, who was unfamiliar to Abram at this point, also told him to leave his settled land and travel west into unchartered territory with his wife Sarai (later called Sarah) and a caravan of all their possessions, herds, and servants. Abram unwaveringly obeyed ? although the promise and command he received made little sense to him and his people ? but God later blessed him with immeasurable riches and fertile land for his faith and obedience, as he relied on God’s understanding and not his own. Even though Abram and Sarai were far from young (75 and 65 years old, respectively) and already living comfortably in a settled land, Abram believed that God would bless him with countless descendants and safely establish him in a hostile and unknown land, which He did. Moses shows through Abram that man, in his knowledge, cannot comprehend the wisdom of God or the scope of His plans, and that obedience and faith in God is much greater than human reasoning. Even though Abraham is known for having unparalleled faith, he had his lapses; yet Moses shows us how God, in His knowled ge, rectifies the things man blotches in his limited understanding. When Abram and Sarai went to Egypt to escape a famine, Abram relied on his own cunning for protection – not God’s. He told Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister ? not his wife ? because Sarai was beautiful and he thought that the Egyptians would kill him over her. God inflicted Pharaoh’s household with diseases so that Pharaoh would know Sarai was Abram’s wife and would not lay with her as his own wife (Gen. 12.20). Abram’s reasoning was exposed as foolishness that almost ended in disaster, but God still faithfully protected him and Sarai. God bailed Abram out once again when he relied on Sarai’s plan to deliver what God had promised – a child. Instead of waiting upon the Lord, Abram took Hagar as his wife and impregnated her at the request of Sarai, who was now 76 years old and barren. God then had an angel send Hagar and her son Ishmael away to avoid Sarai’s jeal ous wrath and then opened Sarai’s womb to allow Abram – now 99 years old ? to impregnate her with Isaac. Because Abram and Sarai second-guessed God’s wisdom, Ishmael was born, whose offspring would be at war with Ishmael’s for millennia to come. But when God later tested Abraham (the name God gave him when He fulfilled His promise to make him fruitful and multiply) and told him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, Abraham unswervingly obeyed. When he raised the knife, God ordered

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cell pathology-histopathology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cell pathology-histopathology - Essay Example After collection of tissue samples, preparation of the collected sample for histological evaluation commences (Anthony, 1998). Leica TP 1020, an automated tissue processor, facilitates fixation, dehydration and infiltration of the tissue sample (Hoppert, 2003). Tissue processing has four distinct steps namely: fixation, dehydration, clearing, embedding, and impregnation (Hoppert, 2003). Fixation aims at preserving the tissue by inhibiting autolysis and decomposition. An ideal fixative, formalin, achieves this by hardening the tissue sample with minimal shrinkage, and allows for subsequent staining of the sample (An, and Martin 2003, p.15). Dehydration of the fixed tissue is possible via the introduction of the specimen in alcohol of varying concentrations. The purpose of this step is to remove water from the tissue sample, and ready the sample for embedding. Xylene, a clearing, agent eliminate the alcohol from the specimen in a process called clearing. . T he alcohol free tissue sample passes through tubes containing molten paraffin wax. The wax replaces the clearing fluid in the tissue achieving infiltrati on. This stage marks the end of tissue processing. The processing of tissue occurs through molding and pouring of wax as a cover. This mould was to cool and solidify. This procedure embeds the tissue in solid media affording it support. This step is crucial for the production of blocks that will yield thin sections. The gyratory microtome produces ribbons containing thin, uniform slices of the tissue sample. Placing the ribbon in warm water bath facilitates their flattening. By use of forceps, a thin slice of the specimen lifted and mounted on a clean glass slide. Finally, flooding the glass slide with eosin dye achieves staining (An, and Martin 2003, p.17). Tissue processing aids a pathologist to diagnose a disease. Histology technicians, who act as assistants to the pathologists, apply tissue-processing techniques to prepare collected

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nortel Case Report Essay Example for Free

Nortel Case Report Essay The company also used to be affiliated with ATamp;T/Western Electric until Western was forced to sell its stake in 1949. In 1976, the company changed its name from Northern Electric to Northern Telecom Limited, and shifted its concentration on digital technology. In 1977, Nortel introduced its DMS line of digital central office telephone switches. Nortel ended its long relationship with ATamp;T in 1984, a year after deregulation named. Bell Canada Enterprises the parent company to Northern Telecom. In 1998, the company acquired Bay Networks and changed its name to Nortel Networks. In the late 90’s, Nortel’s sales of fiber optic network gear was predicted to help their sales, but the market became saturated very quickly. At the height of Nortel’s first 100 years the company amassed for more than a third of the total valuation of all companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), but once the Internet bubble passed, the company fell into ethical debacle. Nortel Networks Corporation, or formally known as Northern Telecom Limited was one of the largest telecommunications equipment companies in the world prior to its filing for bankruptcy protection on January 14th, 2009. During times of functionality, they specialized in multinational telecommunications equipment manufacturing. The company is based in Canada out of Mississiauga, Ontario, Canada. Their biggest rival always was Global System Mobile (GSM). Through the early 1990s, the company invested heavily in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) in attempt to grow in European and Asian markets. This did not pan out so well as Nortel’s losses amounted to $27. 3 billion by 2001—causing them to lay off two-thirds of the workforce. From 2000 through 2003 there was a period of fiscal irresponsibility resulting from the work of the company’s administrators. Initially in 2000, they falsified their fourth-quarter earnings by $1 billion to meet market expectations and selectively reversing certain revenue entries. In 2002, administrators discovered $300 million in excess reserves being carried over and swept it under the rug for future benefit in addition to establishing another $151 million in unnecessary reserves. In 2003, administrators directed the release of at least $490 million of excess reserves to boost earning, fabricate profits, and pay bonuses. Losses turned to profits during this year thanks to the shifty methods taking place. Later in that year, administrators mislead investors as to why Nortel was conducting a purportedly â€Å"comprehensive review† of its assets—attributed by restatement $948 million in liabilities. They said restatement was caused solely by internal control mistakes instead of the truth that there was intentional improper handling of reserves which needed to remain hidden. 2 On October 23rd, 2003, the company announced that Nortel would restate its financials for fiscal years 2000, 2001, and 2002. Shortly after this restatement, the major players of Nortel’s administration that were responsible for all of this were exposed through an independent investigation. In March 2004, The CFO and controller were suspended, in addition to the announcement of further restatements and revisions; they were terminated a month later in April 2004. A restatement in early 2005 showed approximately $3. 4 billion in misstated revenues and another $746 in liabilities. In late 2005, Nortel admitted that restatements were the result of management fraud—beginning the downturn of their stock. The company ended up restating financials four times over four years, replacing senior management, and instituting a comprehensives remediation program designed to ensure proper accounting and reporting practices. Eventually on October 15th, 2007, Nortel agreed to settle by paying a $35 million civil penalty and admitting to violations of the antifraud, reporting, books and records, and internal control provisions of the federal securities laws. 2 On June 25th, 2009, Nortel’s price dropped to 18. 5 cents a share down from a high of $124. 0 in 2000. The company decided that month that they would discontinue operations and sell off all of its business units. Nortel’s CDMA wireless business and LTE access technology were sold to Ericsson, and Avaya purchased Nortels Enterprise business unit. Major Players in the Scandal: The major players in this scandal were the four members of the senior management: CEO Frank Dunn, CFO Douglas Beatty, controller Michael Gollogly, and ass istant controller Maryanne Pahapill. CEO Frank Dunn, who is also a certified management accountant. Dunn was mainly involved in the improper use of reserves from 2000 to 2003. CFO Douglas Beatty, controller Michael Gollogly, and assistant controller Maryanne Pahapill were also involved in this management fraud. 2 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Toronto arrested ex-CEO Frank Dunn, ex-CFO Douglas Beatty, and former corporate controller Michael Gollogly on seven counts of fraud. Including charges â€Å"fraud affecting public market; falsification of books and documents; false prospectus, pertaining to allegations of criminal activity within Nortel Networks during 2002 and 2003. Magnitude of the financial issue: Nortel at its peak was one of the best companies that Canada had ever seen. Just like ENRON and other financial frauds at the time, Nortel appeared to be a shining example of success in the corporate world. Again like ENRON, Nortel grew through a strategy of aggressive expansion and purchasing of smaller companies in order to create a massive conglomerate. During the good times Nortel was the largest technology company and the most valuable company in Canada. Nortel accounted for over one third of the entire aluation of the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Toronto Stock Exchange is the Canadian equivalent of the New York Stock Exchange and holds the most influential stock market in Canada. Nortel employed about 95,000 employees worldwide. About 26,000 of those workers based in Canada alone. Nortel at one point had a market capitalization of almost C$400 billion. Nortel had set up pensions and healthcare protection for its employees. All of these were lost to either the restructuring under Frank Dunne which left about 60,000 employees without jobs or the bankruptcy that followed in 2009. Canadian government officials and regulators identified how destructive a full failure of Nortel would be on the Canadian economy. The Canadian government through the Export Development Canada project tried to lend money to the falling giant. However the Canadian government could not cover all of Nortel’s debt obligations. Nortel owed about $107 million and the EDC (Export Development Canada) could only supply about $30 million in short term loans. This $107 million interest payment accounted for about 4% of Nortel’s cash and put the company into bankruptcy. The world financial crisis of 2008 had put too much strain on Nortel and they were forced to begin liquidation. Public auditor: The auditors involved with this case were Deloitte and Touche. In documents from the fraud case, which is still being heard by the Royal court in Canada, Deloitte claims that they were not given proper documentation by Nortel. Deloitte claims that they did not have pertinent information which should have been provided by administrators at Nortel. Deloitte raised concerns to the audit board of Nortel in 2003 when Nortel turned a profit after Frank Dunne’s restructuring of the company. Deloitte raised awareness of potential fraud and did their duty in that respect. However further investigation conducted has implicated Deloitte in the financial reporting irregularities in Nortel which some have claimed dates back to the time of CEO Roth who held office before Dunne. Information coming out of the case states that even if transactions were deemed suspicious, they still signed off on the verity of the financial reports. Frank Dunne and some of his officers are now charged with fraud by both the SEC and the OSC which regulate the American and Canadian markets respectively. The case is currently still under review in the Royal court of Canada and civil charges have been brought in the United States. Fraud Triangle Nortel had experienced tremendous growth throughout the 1990s, allowing it to expand operations worldwide. Nortel’s expansion came during the telecommunication and technology bubble of the 1990s that inflated stock prices of companies in those sectors. Frank Dunn had taken over for the previous CEO, John Roth, in November 2001 during the telecommunication bubble bust. Dunn felt pressured to maintain the high stock price because it accounted for over one third of Nortel’s value2. Nortel management was also incentivized to post profits that produced executive bonuses with over $7. 8million going to Dunn alone. The primary members of the Nortel fraud were able to commit the fraud because, as executive officers and controllers, they were able to go around the internal controls of the company. That allowed them to implement many accounting practices that did not comply with GAAP. Nortel management’s rationalization for these fraudulent practices must have been that they needed to maintain the high stock price in order for the company to continue operating. Moral Breach and Ethical Issues As a publicly traded company, Nortel had the responsibility of fairly reporting the company’s true financial data to stockholders and potential investors. Dunn, Beatty, Gollogly and Pahapill breached this responsibility by establishing earnings management accounting strategies to manipulate Nortel’s revenues. Nortel management also actively sought to inflate earnings to trigger very large bonuses for key members of management. Perhaps, if these incentives did not exist then there would be less motivation to commit the fraud. Finally, Nortel’s auditor for over a century, Deloitte and Touche, has come under scrutiny by the defense lawyers in Dunn, Gollogly and Beatty’s civil trial in Canada this year. The defense claims that Deloitte approved of all major accounting adjustments that Dunn and his team had engaged in. Summary of Legal Actions On April 28th, 2004, Dunn and his fraud partners were fired for financial mismanagement2. On March 12th, 2007 the SEC filed civil charges against Dunn, Beatty, Gollogly and Pahapill for repeatedly engaging in accounting fraud to bridge gaps between Nortel’s true performance, its internal targets, and market expectations. Dunn and Beatty were charged with violating the officer certification agreement that was established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Nortel settled with SEC on October 15, 2007 by consenting to be prescribed from violating the antifraud, reporting, books and records, and internal control provisions of the federal securities laws. Nortel paid $35million to the SEC, and $1million to the Ontario Securities Commission to establish a Fair Fund for affected shareholders. Finally, Canadian authorities arrested and charge Dunn, Beatty and Gollogly with seven counts of fraud. Their trial began on January 16th, 2012. Current Status: Nortel, once known as the largest telecommunications manufacturer in the world, filed for bankruptcy in 2009. Now three years later, the period of bankruptcy continues as the company discloses their every operating report highlighting each cash receipt and disbursement. When Nortel went bankrupt, executives believed that selling all business assets would be the best and easiest way to fight debt. Recently, Nortel has netted $7. 7 billion from selling its patents and businesses. As stated on their website, â€Å"Nortel remains focused on maximizing value for its stakeholders, including the sale of its remaining assets, resolution of claims, the wind-down of its global operations and entities, resolution of allocation matters with respect to the sale proceeds, and other significant restructuring activities toward the conclusion of the creditor protection proceedings. † The case for Nortel executives Dunn (ex CEO), Beatty (ex CFO) and Gollogy (ex controller), who were charged with fraud for affecting the public market and falsifying books and documents to earn larger bonuses, is still in trial. In February, a former Vice President of Nortel testified in court against executives stating that they had asked him to use questionable accounting methods to manipulate the company’s earnings. Although those who committed the crime have been charged, thousands of employees will still be left without pension plans and jobs. Nortel has spent over $20 million on retirement package these past two year, but unfortunately the company will stop the pension plan and disability program payments as it continues to sell away its businesses. By the end of 2011, Nortel was split into regional entities – Nortel Networks Limited in Canada and Nortel Networks Inc in the United States, causing disagreements over how to split $7. 5 billion that was earned by selling many assets and patents other corporations such as Apple and Microsoft Corp. The following charts, graphs and financial statements analyze Nortel’s current status. Case Study Questions and Solutions: 1. Dunn is a certified management accountant. Based on the facts of the case, which provisions of the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice that was discussed in chapter 1 have been violated? Dunn violates many of the provisions of the IMA’s statement of Ethical Professional Practice they are as follows: 1. Perform professional duties in accordance with law, regulations and technical standards. 2. Provide decision information that is accurate, clear, concise and timely 3. Retain from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out any duties ethically. 4. Abstain from engaging in or supporting any activity that might discredit the profession. 5. Communicate information fairly and objectively. 6. Disclose all relevant information, that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended users understanding of the reports analyses or recommendations. 7. Disclose delays or deficiencies in information timeliness processing or internal controls in conformance with organization policy and/or applicable law. He violated these by selective reversal of revenue entries in 2000. Followed by concealing the reserves in 2002, which violated GAAP, and then avoided posting a profit so the company wouldn’t have to pay out bonuses. In 2003 Dunn released the reserves to falsely report a profit, which allowed them to eports a profit a quarter earlier than expected, and to pay out more bonuses to senior management. Also in 2003 he misled the investors about why Nortel had restated its financials in order to avoid uncovering the unethical management techniques him and his team had been using. All of these actions take away Dunn’s integrity and credibility in the field of manageria l accounting, which are two of the standards the IMA sets out. Dunn failed to meet his professional code of conduct and his company suffered because of it. 2. What are the responsibilities of an auditor to detect fraud? How were those responsibilities compromised by the actions of Nortel’s management? It is the auditors responsibility to report fraud if they find it, however in this case the actions of Nortel’s management made it difficult for the auditors to do their job. The false financial statements and hiding of money veiled the problems of the company from the auditors. Once there was a hint of the fraud the auditors found it and perused the trail, taking the ethical route and also following the code of conduct. It was their investigation that brought down the fraudulent executives and forced the company to restate its financials properly. This would eventually lead to the failure of Nortel. Nortel made materially false and misleading statements and omissions in connection with the quarterly reviews and materially misstated annual audits of financial statements. This caused the auditors to not be able to properly do their job, and review the statements. 3. Describe the incentives that created pressure on Nortel to manage earnings. Considering the role of Nortel’s management in this regard, discuss whether it met its corporate governance obligations as discussed in previous chapters. The incentives that drove Nortel to manage its earning where greed of the management team, the pressure to deliver bonuses, the pressure to survive an economic downturn, and the pressure to make the company seem like a good investment to both current and potential investors. In an economic climate of intense competition and corporate greed the management at Nortel fell victim to their vices and allowed the pressure to perform to overwhelm their priorities. This caused them to put their own greed and personal ambition before the well being of the company. Nortel did not meet its corporate governance obligations. It did not follow any internal rules of how to run the business. It ignored any corporate ethics they might have. It lied to stakeholders several times by misstating the financials. They did not follow the professional code of conduct of their careers and also did not follow industry standards. They broke the law. No one inside the company caught the fraud therefore their internal controls where not effective. Each of these immoral acts is a case where corporate governance has failed. 4. The final quote in the case characterizes Nortel’s failure as â€Å"just another casualty of capitalism. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? How would you characterize the cause of the failure at Nortel? I would argue that Nortel is not just another casualty of capitalism. Nortel did not function in a system of free market capitalism where the government had absolutely no regulation and let the markets function however they wanted. The capitalism system of North America is more of a mixed economy, which combines public and private ownership of companies, and also provides government regulation and intervention to prevent and deal with fraud. Even in a free market the system is meant to come to an equal balance of supply and demand, which cannot be reached if there is fraud involved since the supply has been inaccurately disclosed by the senior management at Nortel. I would characterize this failure as one of humanity. It was not the economic system that allowed this fraud to take place, but the greed of the people and a social environment that ties success so strongly to wealth. It was the social pressure and the effect of human nature that led to Nortel’s demise. . The case discusses how Nortel’s managers prioritized themselves over the shareholders, which, in part, lead to the company’s failure. What should be a company’s first priority? A company’s first priority should be following their code of ethics. The second priority should be the shareholders, followed by the management and other employees. This hierarchy ensures that all the business that is done with be both moral and legal , meaning there is no room to commit fraud and damage the company. In this way you are putting the shareholders first, because by providing a stable and healthy company the shareholders will see an investment that will be able to reach its highest potential. 6. Was Nortel’s settlement a fair penalty? Should the SEC have imposed harsher or more lenient sanctions? Should these sanctions have been on the managers, on Nortel as a whole, or both? A fair settlement would offer compensation to all those who were hurt by this fraud. Groups that may have been hurt could be shareholders, employees and customers. Deciding what is a fair compensation is a little more difficult, however as much of what these people lost as possible should be returned to them. As for the managers who created the problems and took part in the fraud should face a sentence of termination from their company, loss of license (if applicable) and jail time. The company and the individual managers have both failed stakeholders and should both be held accountable. In the case of Nortel specifically the stockholder settlement goes with these guidelines, as for the managers their trial is still ongoing and therefore no sentenced has been given to them yet.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case study of alzheimers disease

Case study of alzheimers disease My first administrative position in mental health was working on a Geriatric Psychiatric unit of the local hospital. Many of the patients were elderly patients with Alzheimers. This was my first experience with Alzheimers disease and the effects it has on their families. Alzheimers is the most common type of dementia and is incurable, degenerative, and terminal (Wikipedia) . Symptoms of Alzheimers begin slowly and become worse until they interfere with daily life and patients are unable to even carry on conversations. Families become caregivers for their loved ones who dont know who they are any more. The prognosis is not good for patients afflicted with this type of dementia but researchers continue to look for new treatments and possible preventions. A few of the Alzheimers patients I worked with on the Geriatric unit are very memorable. There was a gentleman who was in the moderate to severe stage of the disease. His job for most of his life was that of a hospital administrator. M y office door was always open and some patients would wonder in time and again. My office must have triggered something in him because he would come in and need to sign papers. He would sit in my office for hours and sign papers. Another patient was a woman who had 12 children. She was always wondering the unit looking for her babies. The nurses bought her a baby doll and she carried it everywhere and it also calmed her down. Another aspect of Alzheimers is sundowners syndrome. Many of the Alzheimers patients would start to get agitated between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. They would become more aggressive, oppositional and agitated. Sundowners syndrome is an increased time of memory loss, confusion, agitation, and even anger. For family members who care for Alzheimers patients, witnessing an increase in their loved ones symptoms of dementia at sunset can be nothing short of troubling, if not also painful, frightening, and exhausting (Sundowners Syndrome). Alzheimers is not a new disease. Alz heimers was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906. In 1901, Alzheimer observed a patient at the Frankfurt Asylum named Mrs. Auguste Deter. The 51-year-old patient had strange behavioral symptoms, including a loss of short-term memory. This patient would become his obsession over the coming years. In April 1906, Mrs. Deter died and Alzheimer had the patient records and the brain brought to Munich where he was working at Kraepelins lab. Together with two Italian physicians, he would use the staining techniques to identify amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (Wikipedia). Amyloid plagues are extracellular deposits that consist of a dense core of a protein known as B-amyloid, surrounded by degenerating axons and dendrites, along with activated microglia and reactive astrocytes, cells that are involved in destruction of damaged cells. Neurofibrillary tangles consist of dying neurons that contain intracellular accumulations of twisted f ilaments of hyperphosphorylated tau protein (Carlson, 2008). These abnormal structures are also found in brains of patients with Down syndrome. Unlike Down syndrome, Alzheimers is a progressive degenerative disease that gradually destroys a persons memory and daily functioning. Currently Alzheimers is diagnosed by symptoms, and only confirmed by brain examination after death. There are warning sides of Alzheimers disease that include memory loss that disrupts daily life. Challenges in planning or solving problems when there were no problems before. Difficulty completing familiar tasks or leisure activities they a person used to do. Confusion with time and place, which is what most people know about Alzheimers. This is when family members forget where they are going or days of activities. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships or new problems with words speaking or writing. Misplacing things and the inability to retrace steps. Decreased or poor judgment and wit hdrawal from work and social activities. Changes in mood and personality, which is another warning sign that most people are also familiar with from media, etc. Grandma turns from sweet to irritable (Stages and Warning Signs of Alzheimers). The Alzheimers Association is a strong national organization that supports and funds Alzheimers research. Their website has a vast amount of information on symptoms, treatment, prevention and research of this disease. Taken from their website there are seven stages of Alzheimers. They include: Stage 1 where there is no impairment. Stage 2 there is very mild decline. Stage three there is mild decline. Stage four there is moderate decline. Stage five there is moderately severe decline and stage six and stage seven there is severe decline and very severe decline (Stages and Warning Signs of Alzheimers). The current major treatment for Alzheimers is medication management and each stage of Alzheimers requires a different medication. Mild to moderate A lzheimers is treated with cholinesterase inhibitors. These types of medications are prescribed because they may help delay or prevent the symptoms from becoming worse for a time and also help manage behaviors. The medications include: Razadyne (galantamine), Exelon (rivastigmine), and Aricept (donepezil). Another drug, Cognex (tacrine), was the first approved cholinesterase inhibitor but is rarely prescribed today due to safety concerns (Alzheimers Disease Medications Fact Sheet, 2010). Most people have heard of Aricept because is used often and advertised on the media more so than others. Moderate to severe Alzheimers is treated with a drug that regulates glutamate, an important brain chemical. The medication known as Namenda (memantine), an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist. Aricept has also been approved by the FDA to treat moderate to severe Alzheimers. These drugs main effect is to delay progression of some of the symptoms and they may allow patients to maintain certain da ily functions a little longer than they would without the medication. The medication may help a patient in the later stages of the disease maintain his or her ability to use the bathroom independently for several more months, a benefit for both patients and caregivers (Alzheimers Disease Medications Fact Sheet, 2010). There is research going on to provide diagnosis by a simple blood test, this was reported by American researchers just last month. Also, other researchers have shown spinal fluid tests, which require a spinal tap, can detect early changes that signal the onset of Alzheimers. Imaging companies such as privately held Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, General Electrics GE Healthcare and Germanys Bayer are racing to finish clinical trials on new agents that can make brain lesions called plaques visible on positron emission tomography or PET scanners (Anonymous, 2010). Researchers also are looking at any possible prevention or slow down of the disease. Currently at Rush University is leading a nationwide clinical trial of a nutritional drink to determine whether it can improve cognitive performance in people with mild to moderate Alzheimers. The study follows recently released results from an earlier trial conducted in Europe showing that the drink, called Souvenaid, improved verbal recall in people with mild disease who were followed for three months (Anonymous., 2010). Alzheimers affects approximately 10 percent of the population above the age of 65 and almost 50 percent of people over the age of 85 years (Carlson, 2008). The number of Americans age 65 and older who have this condition will increase from the 5.1 million today to 13.5 million by mid-century. A recent report from the Alzheimers Association states that the cost of Alzheimers to the United States will be $20 trillion over the next 40 years. Changing the Trajectory of Alzheimers Disease: A National Imperative shows that in the absence of disease-modifying treatments, the cumulative costs of car e for people with Alzheimers from 2010 to 2050 will exceed $20 trillion, in todays dollars (Report: Alzheimers disease to cost United States $20 trillion over next 40 years, 2010). Statistics taken from the Alzheimers Association break it down as follows; Alzheimers disease costs business $24.6 billion in health care. In the US 7 out of 10 people with Alzheimers live at home where 75% of costs are absorbed by the family. The remaining 25% of care costs cost an average $19,000 a year. It is estimated that Alzheimers caregivers cost business $36.5 billion. This includes the costs of absenteeism and lost productivity. The average cost of a nursing home in the US is $42,000 a year. However in some areas those costs can be at least $70,000. Medicare costs for beneficiaries with Alzheimers disease were $91 billion in 2005. Medicare costs are expected to increase by 75% to $160 billion in 2010. Medicaid expenditures on residential dementia care were $21 billion in 2005. These costs are est imated to rise by 14% to $24 billion in 2010( (Kennard, 2010). The stress of caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimers is high. The frustration and challenges of caring for an adult who no longer complies with reasonable requests is a daily consequence of a loved one with Alzheimers. There are many support groups and resources for caregivers. Some tips for managing an Alzheimers patient is to have patience, be flexible, reduce frustration, reduce choices, reduce distractions to create a safe environment (Research, 1998-2010). Patience and flexibility are easy to figure out. Patience because a patient with Alzheimers will be oppositional at times, will not know their caregiver at times as well as not remember family members. The Alzheimer patients mood and reactions to daily tasks will change sometimes daily as the disease progresses. Flexibility with caring for Alzheimers patients is tied into their changing needs and abilities from day to day. Reducing frustration, choices and dist ractions would be like raising a toddler. Not too many choices or distractions for them to be overwhelmed with. A safe environment is pretty clear and we hear about Alzheimers patients wandering off reported on the news more often. Alzheimers patients who have been left in an unsecured house or got into a unlocked car. Doors should always be locked so the Alzheimers patient is unable open or figure out how to open. The car is easy to figure out, keep it locked! Take the car keys are keep them on you or hidden. There was a poem on the Geriatric unit wall where I worked. The author is unknown and it is taken from Coach Frank Broyles Playbook for Alzheimers Caregivers. The poem is a good reminder of what Alzheimers is all about and a good conclusion to this report. Do not ask me to remember. Dont try to make me understand. Let me rest and know youre with me. Kiss my cheek and hold my hand. Im confused beyond your concept. I am sad and sick and lost. All I know is that I need you, to be with me at all cost. Do not lose your patience with me. Do not scold or curse or cry. I cant help the way Im acting, cant be different though I try. Just remember that I need you, that the best of me is gone. Please dont fail to stand beside me, love me till my life is done.

Reflection on Nursing Presentation

Reflection on Nursing Presentation REFLECTION ON MY PRESENTATION Introduction: As part of my overseas program I had to deliver a 15 minutes presentation on choice of subject in front of my colleagues. An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter and the audience. It takes full consideration of the audience’s needs in order to capture their interest, develop their understanding, inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter’s objectives (University of Leicester, 2009). According to Nickolas (2003), to facilitate an effective presentation there are four elements. They are: Planning, Preparation, Practicing, Presenting Planning: it includes selection of an important topic, finding the learning outcomes, organising the content, preparing the visuals. Preparation: The main aim is to prepare clear, simple and attractive visuals. For eg: effective power point slides. Practicing: Practice makes perfection it includes rehearse and pre rehearse. In rehearse practicing the things you are intend doing, but in pre rehearse practicing the things you might have to do. Presenting: It includes facial expression, pace, voice, body movements, use of pointer, roles etc†¦ In order to write a reflection I selected Gibbs 1988 model. It is mainly used by health professionals. To reflect is not enough, you then have to put into practice the learning and new understanding you have gained therefore allowing the reflective process to inform your practice. Taking action is the key; Gibbs prompts the practitioner to formulate an action plan. This enables the reflective practitioner to look at their practice and see what they would change in the future, how they would develop/improve their practice (Gibbs, 1988). It has got six different stages. Which are description, feeling ,evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. Description: As part of my overseas nursing program I had to deliver a 15 minutes presentation on choice of subject on the final day at university. On my period of planning I was very confused about the selection of topic. Variety of topics was in my mind. Finally I decided my topic which was percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding and the care of patient with PEG. I was really satisfied when I selected the topic. Because I felt it is going to be an important and useful information for all the nurses in their work place. Initial period of my job in this country have come across patients with PEG tube. It was a new experience for me. After the selection of my topic I started doing some research on it. I read some books, journals, and collected information from search engines. Evidence based practice define as ‘ the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making nursing decisions about the care of individual patients’ (Sackett, 1996). As it is a problem solving approach to the today’s healthcare system, it brings better clinical decisions and patient outcome. In order to make my presentation more effective and clear I decided to use some visuals, this was power point slides. My slides were simple and easy to understand. Once I finished my preparation I started to practise. I practised in front of my family just to reduce the stage fear. At the day of presentation I was confident enough to present in front of a group. Feeling: In order to adjust the time our group was divided in to two. I was the third person in the first group. On the day I was slightly nervous especially few minutes before the presentation starts. Fortunately I felt very confident at the time of presentation and the colleagues were really supportive and responsive which increased my comfort level with in the class. Now I feel , by doing this presentation helped me to achieve an important skill in my profession, as teaching has an active part in nursing. Evaluation: International Center for Alcohol Policies (2014) says Evaluation offers a way to determine whether an initiative has been worthwhile in terms of delivering what was intended and expected. It has an important role to improve own skills. After my presentation I approached my tutor and she gave me a very effective and clear feedback. She explained my aims, learning outcomes, introduction of presentation was clearly stated. I used appropriate aids and the delivery of presentation was appropriate, and it was evidence based too. The place where I could improve was the time management as I was little short on my time. Analysis: According to Ritchey, (1996) Analysis is defined as the procedure by which we break down an intellectual or substantial whole into parts or components. After my presentation I have gone through my experience once again and I felt my selection of topic was right as I saw my colleagues enjoyed the topic. But I was a little bit disappointed as I was a bit short on my time. When I was practicing at home I made sure I was on time. With this presentation I understood the importance of planning and organising the work as well as time management. Conclusion: I found it myself the opportunity I got from the overseas nursing program was really great. Teaching in front of a group of people was a stressful job for me. When I realized I had to do it I tried for the level best and the feedback from my tutor made me more strong. Nurse has an important role in teaching the staff. In my future career I will be more confident to teach people , because I understood that, it will increase my knowledge as well. Action plan: I will be doing another presentation in my work place regarding moving and handling as we have many new staff started. Before I do it I will make sure I will reach my intended time limit. Moreover that, I will go through reading materials and prepare the contents from evidence based knowledge. This section I am planning to do it with a mixture of theory and practical. I will show them the different types of hoists, slings and how to use it. It will be more easier to understand the moving and handling technique. Adhering to NMC code (2008) I will update my knowledge and skills throughout my career. References: Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. London: Further Education Unit. Nickolas, F (2003). Effective presentations, distance consulting: (Last accessed on 04/02/2014) NMC(2008) The code. (Last accessed on 10/01/2014). International Center for Alcohol Policies (2014) What Is Evaluation. Online.(Last accessed on 24/02/2014) . Ritchey T, (1996) On Scientific Method Based on a Study by Bernhard Riemann. Analysis and Synthesis. Online.(Last accessed on 20/02/2014) Sackett, D.L., Rosenberg, W.M., Gray, J.A., Haynes, R.B. and Richardson, W.S. (1996) ‘Evidence based medicine: What it is and what it isn’t’, British Medical Journal. University of Leicester (2009) Planning an effective presentation. Learning development .online. (Last accessed on 10/02/2014). skills-pdfs/planning-presentation-v1.0.pdf. R PhilipPage 1 Reflection on Nursing Presentation Reflection on Nursing Presentation Working in the surgical ward entails numerous responsibilities for a health care practitioner like me. Thinking about the holistic care, recovery of patients and minimising any complications from occurring are a few of those responsibilities that a surgical nurse always has to keep in mind. According to Anthony Lee (2007), whether it is abdominal surgery, plastic surgery, or any other invasive surgical treatment, it is dangerous to assume 100% safety. He also stressed that due to the miracles that surgery gives, people might often tend to forget the risks and complications that go with it. One of these risks commonly associated with surgery is the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the postoperative phase. In the absence of thromboprophylaxis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a significant risk for surgical patients especially those undergoing orthopaedic surgery and lengthy procedures (ICS 2002, SIGN 2002, Geerts et al 2004, ICS 2006, NICE 2007). This fact gave me the interest of choosing DVT prevention as my topic for the presentation so as to make me and the listeners more knowledgeable about DVT risk assessment prevention thus eradicating this complication from occurring. This essay points out a reflection about the 15-minute seminar presentation that I completed within the course of my study. Utilising the Gibbs (1988) reflective model, I would be sharing my learning and feelings based on the whole experience. DESCRIPTION During the first meeting with our programme tutors, we were orientated to prepare a 15-minute presentation of any topic related to our whole adaptation experience which would particularly focus on evidence-based practice. This would assess not only our knowledge and mastery of the chosen topic but it would also assess our communication and presentational skills. Based on the assignment given, I made a research about evidence based practice to guide me in choosing my topic. As cited by Sackett, et al (1996), evidence based practice is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. Based on these findings, I carried on with my quest for an interesting topic.   Within the week, I was able to take care of a patient who was admitted for suspected deep vein thrombosis when he stopped wearing his antiembolic stockings. His wife had difficulty putting them on his legs. He was my patient the previous month when he had a total hip replacement done. This patient made me realise how important antiembolic stockings are and made me interested about DVT. Thus, I finally decided to present about the prevention of DVT in surgical patients. In preparation for the upcoming presentation day, I started my research by checking the internet for any information regarding DVT and its prevention. There were so much information from different sources and reading on these different sources made the topic confusing for me. So, I started searching for an article from journals that would be perfect for my presentation and which I could focus on. I found an article from the Journal of Perioperative Practice and based my presentation on that article. I organised my presentation, added more relevant information from different sources, and made a structured powerpoint presentation based from the researches made. I also added pictures colourful designs to make my visual aids creative. I studied on my topic and did a lot of practice days before the final day to make me more confident. FEELINGS The awaited presentation day finally came. To boost my confidence and impress the viewers, I was all dressed up to look smart. I was so nervous while waiting for my turn to present especially that it was quite a long time ago that I have had presentations like this. I was also a bit worried that the time allotted for my presentation would not be enough for me because I made it as comprehensive as possible. I was also planning to give a short exercise for the viewers to gain interaction from them. When it was my turn to speak up, the confidence came out and the nervousness faded. I was able to explain the whole topic thoroughly without any difficulty and the 15 minutes went so quickly. I was able to attract attention from the viewers by making the presentation as lively as possible and gaining interaction from them through exchange of ideas. At the end of the presentation, I was also able to assess their understanding of the topic by conducting a short exercise about DVT risk assessment. My presentation went smoothly and before I knew it, it came to an end. I really enjoyed being on stage much more than the whole preparation phase. EVALUATION After everyone presented their topics, our assessors gave us their evaluation about our performances. The assessor gave me very good feedback regarding my overall performance. I was so surprised that he gave me the highest possible grade in all the criteria. I was informed that I had very good communication interaction skills and that I mastered my topic really well. I was so happy with feedback from my assessor and from my fellow classmates as well. I can never believe that I have that much confidence in me and that I was able to nail the presentation. One comment that I could possibly give about my presentation is the fact that I made it so comprehensive that the 15 minutes was not enough for me to really explain some of the topics well. I asked for an extension of the time given so as I could finish the exercise. ANALYSIS This experience made me prove to myself that I am able to attain my goals with perseverance and belief in myself. I gained so much learning and realisations from the whole experience and these after effects are whats most important to make me a better person and a better professional. As defined, learning could be thought of as a process by which behaviour changes as a result of experience (Maples and Webster 1980 quoted in Merriam and Caffarella 1991: 124). I am hoping that this experience would make me change my behaviour to be more confident when interacting with other people. CONCLUSION The entire experience was an excellent way of gaining knowledge about evidence based practice. But, it was not focused on the reinforcement of our knowledge alone but on the enhancement of our communication and interaction skills. I can say that I gave my best to deliver a good presentation but still, there is always a room for improvement. I can say that the topic that I covered was too long to fit in a 15 minute presentation and because of that, I was rushing to finish all my slides within the allotted time. So, the next time I would do another presentation, I have realised that I should simplify the topics and practice more beforehand to know if the allotted time is enough for the whole presentation. ACTION PLAN With this activity, I have gained much learning and had improved my presentational skills. In the future, I would expect to be more confident in doing presentations and be able to anticipate the tasks that need to be done beforehand. I would spend more time in preparation for the activity to gain more confidence and to prevent any difficulties from occurring.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay :: Personal Narrative Writing

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay There is very little mystery to writing the personal narrative essay. There is no proper topic for such an essay. An essay can be about a variety of personal experiences. You, the writer, have the right to say what you want about your personal experience. You can write about anything -- Aunt Sally, the funky necklace you bought at a garage sale, the harrowing experience of being stuck in an elevator, the best Christmas you ever had, the worst day of your life. No topic or subject is off-limits; therefore there are endless opportunities to write an essay about your personal, point-of-view of what happened. Often the reason behind wanting to write a personal essay is unclear. Once the writing begins and the events are recorded and recounted it becomes clear that the writer is searching to find the meaning, the universal truth, the lesson learned from the experience. When writing, rewriting and good editing coalesce, a personal narrative essay becomes a beautiful thing. It shows how the past or a memory’s significance affects the present or even the future. We all have stories to tell. But facing a blank page is intimidating. Knowing where to begin becomes a real dilemma. A good place to start is with the word I. Write I was, I saw, I did, I went, I cried, I screamed, I took for granted. I is an empowering word. Once you write it on the page it empowers you to tell your story. That’s exactly what you are going to do next. Tell the story. Get it all out. Don’t worry about how many times I appears in the text. Don’t worry how scattered and unfocused thoughts are. Write however your mind tells you to write. This style is often called freewheeling writing or stream of consciousness. Once the story is all down on paper you will go back and begin to shape the essay into a form that says exactly what you want it to say about your experience. If you’re discouraged over what you’ve written, back away from it. Let it rest. Take a walk. Do something that distracts your mind from writing the essay. Many writers fi nd that even while doing something other than writing, their writing mind continues to work out what needs to be said and continues to uncover the multi-layered associations and voices of what they’re writing about.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Shortcomings of College Education Essay -- Personal Narrative

The Shortcomings of College Education "The more we know the world around us, the more successful we will be." This quote, from the introduction of my high school chemistry book, was my driving force as a teenager to attend college. My expectations of college were to gain insight into a world that I had not yet discovered. I had high aspirations of receiving a good education and obtaining a good job when I graduated. But four years later when graduation day arrived, I felt unfulfilled. In evaluating my education, I realized that I learned how to get good, but not great grades. I learned how to study to make the most of my time. The focus I shared with many of my peers was not always to appreciate the information received, but rather, to value the counsel from someone else who previously took that professor's class and maybe to be lucky enough to get a hold of last semester's examinations. Basically, I acquired useful skills for any job: to follow directions, to give the boss what he or she was asking of me, and to network and gain insight from other colleagues. It was still disturbing to me that after four years of schooling, I felt I had not received the education I initially expected. Overall, college does not bring out the full academic potential of the students who invest the time and money into an education. Teachers need to set aside their biases and restructure and develop curriculum, as well as student-teacher relationships, in order to truly develop college students into freethinking, exploratory people. Structured, pertinent curriculum is the foundation of a good class. If students are not interested in the information presented, then the class has no value to the student but to merely satisfy a graduation requir... ...heir instruction, they they should stay in the field or in the labortory where their energy is concentrated. Quit wasting the time and money of the students and give college instructors the fair evaluations they deserve. Set standards for their positions and hold them accountable for skills in teaching, not just their content knowledge. Works Cited Cheney, Lynne V. "PC: Alive and Entrenched." In The Presence of Others: Voices that Call for Response, edited by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1997. Glasser, William. "Noncoercive Discipline." In Building Classroom Discipline, edited by C.M. Charles. New York: Longman Press. 1999. Rose, Mike. "Lives on the Boundary." In The Presence of Others: Voices that Call for Response, edited by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1997.

Love And Lovability (wuthering :: essays research papers fc

Love and Lovability   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “There is no character in Wuthering Heights who is completely lovable, who wins our sympathy completely.';(Bloom 99) Love, in one way or another is the force which makes people unlikable. In Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, people’s adoration for one another is the reason why no character is completely lovable. Receiving too much attention spoiled Catherine Earnshaw. Heathcliff was disliked because he had to grow up without a real family to love him. Finally, Hindley turned into a pitiful man because of the love that he lost. For some, affection can change people for the better, but for others love can be a poison for their souls.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being the only daughter, Catherine was endeared by all those around her. The unwavering love that her family and friends gave her soured her disposition. While on a business trip, her father told his children that they could choose any gift that they wanted. Catherine, being a good rider, “chose a whip.';(40) When she learned that Heathcliff was the reason why she did not get her present, she responded “by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing.';(41) Since she was used to getting everything that she wanted, she became haughty and had no respect for other people’s feelings.';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Why canst thou not always be a good lass, Cathy?';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And she turned her face up to his, and laughed, and answered,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Why cannot you always be a good man, Father?'; (47) Even on his deathbed, Catherine chose to vex her father instead of comforting him. Catherine’s faults, which can be attributed to her rich upbringing, do not endear her to readers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heathcliff, being the villain of the tale, is the most horrid character in Wuthering Heights. He manipulates everyone around him and has no regard for anyone but himself. His rotten nature can be traced back to his early years when he was a “poor, fatherless child.';(43) The lack of parental love and guidance made his life a difficult one. Heathcliff was an unwanted child who brought turmoil to a previously happy household. “So from the very beginning, he bred bad feelings in the house.';(42) Instead of rising from his poor position, he degenerated into an evil beast. When Catherine had begun to spend more time at Thrushcross Grange with the Linton’s, Heathcliff lost his self-respect and dignity. “If he were careless and uncared for before Catherine’s absence, he had been ten times more so since.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Government Debt Placement Essay

If a central bank has this responsibility, it is expected to place government debt on the most favourable terms possible. Essentially, a government can instruct the central bank to raise seigniorage income43 through a variety of methods, which include a reserve ratio (requiring banks to set aside a certain percentage of their deposits as non-interestearning reserves held at the central bank – an implicit tax), interest ceilings, issuing new currency at a rate of exchange that effectively lowers the value of old notes, subsidising loans to state owned enterprises and/or allowing bankrupt state firms that have defaulted (or failed to make interest payments) on their loans to continue operating. Or, the inflationary consequences of an ongoing liberal monetary policy will reduce the real value of government debt. This third objective is important in emerging markets, but by the close of the 20th century has become less critical than the other two functions in the industrialised world, where policies to control government spending means there is less government debt to place. A notable recent exception is Japan, where the debt to GDP ratio is 145 and rising (2002 figures). In emerging markets, central banks are usually expected to fulfil all three objectives – ensuring financial and price stability, and assisting the government in the management of a sizeable government debt. While all three are critical for the development of an efficient financial system, the central banks of these countries face an immense task, which they are normally poorly equipped to complete because of inferior technology and chronic shortages of well-trained staff. The Bank of England had a long tradition of assuming responsibility for all three functions, but in 1997 the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced the imminent separation of thethree functions, leaving the Bank of England with responsibility over monetary policy the FSA44 regulates financial institutions, including consumer protection and prudential control of the banking sector. The Japanese government created the Financial Supervisory Agency in 1997, to supervise banks and other financial institutions. Part of the Prime Minister’s office, this Agency has taken over the job previously undertaken by the Ministry of Finance and Banking of Japan. The United States assigns responsibility for prudential regulation to several organisations including the Federal Reserve, Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Federal Reserve also sets an independent monetary policy. Until France became part of Euroland, the 20 000 plus employees of the Banque du France played a dual role: implementing monetary policy and regulating/supervising the banking system. In Germany, since the advent of the euro, the Bundesbank has lost its raison d’?etre, and has lobbyied hard to assume a regulatory role. There are potential conflicts if one institution is responsible for the three objectives of price stability, prudential regulation and government debt placement. Given the inverse relationship between the price of bonds and interest rates, a central bank with control over government debt policy might be tempted to avoid raising interest rates (to control inflation) because it would reduce the value of the bank’s debt portfolio. Or, it might increase liquidity to ease the placement of government debt, which might put it at odds with an inflation policy. Consider a country experiencing a number of bank failures, which, in turn, threaten the viability of the financial system. If the central bank is responsible for the maintenance of financial stability in the economy, it may decide to inject liquidity to try and stem the tide of bank failures. It does this by increasing the money supply and/or reducing interest rates, so stimulating demand. The policy should reduce the number of bankruptcies (personal and corporate), thereby relieving the pressure on the banking system. However, if the central bank’s efforts to shore up the banking system are prolonged, this may undermine the objective of achieving price stability. Continuous expansionary monetary policy may cause inflation if the rate of growth in the money supply exceeds the rate of growth of national output. The central bank may be faced with a conflict of interest: does it concentrate on the threat to the financial system or is priority given to control of inflation? The dilemma may explain the recent trend to separate them. If the central bank is not responsible for financial stability, it can pursue the objective of price stability unhindered.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Should Doug Hann Be Expelled- Argument Essay

Quincy Day Eng. 095 Mrs. Dahlin October 31, 2012 Should Doug Hann be Expelled Racism, a word that describes people that engender horror for others cause of their race, perk upual orientation, religion and sex just to name a few. It exists all over especially in our universities, theres a article written by whizz Nat Hentoff about a egg white male existence expelled for racial slurs he direction to other students his name is Doug Hann. Doug Hann bust the rules and lashed out verbally on innocent students so yes he should be expelled.Hes hiding behind the free reference amendment license of Speech, which usually all racists do to get away with their actions. According to the professorship of Brown University, theres an organization that every new student signs out front he or she attends the university. In this stipulation it gives a list of standards of acceptable carriage at Brown university that has been read for more than 10 years by immersion students who agree in writing to raise by them. at present prior to this issue Hann was involved in a nonher contingency with a Brown student.He was in an escort with a fellow student at a fraternity bar, while stir again, he called the guy a common racoon So its not exchangeable this is something Hann just did, its something he is cognize to do especially while being drunk, so hes essay to hide behind the 1st amendment liberty of Speech Now dont quote me on this except Freedom of Speech means liberty to babble freely where you dont have to ask for permission to speak right. You cope that saying when your drunk you speak the lawfulness of whats on your mind? So I believe he did it wittingly and purposely and he demand to be drunk to do it. The argument is that Hann didnt act on anything so its called Freedom of Speech. Really? Dont you think saying what you think is playacting out on your thoughts. Now mouth freely is not directed at anyone its speaking so people thunder mug hear usu ally a substance or scripture or things that we pauperism the public or community to hear. Now we can argue all twenty-four hour period about whether or not its freedom of speech and so n but what about the rules he broke in the process? That has to be enforced or that whole agreement is null and void. If anything that is one thing that the universities in American do and will continue doing is upholding the rules. Rules argon make for a reason, without rules there would be no structure and we would be in blab chaos. So either way you nip at it rules were broken and resolutions were handed out. Hes the head start to be expelled and the offshoot to break the rules, theres perpetually going to be a first time for everyone.When that first time comes are we just suppose to overlook it, of sort not. The constitution also states that were all created equal, so that means the rules apply to everyone. So Hann needs to man up and take the consequence that were handed to him I bet y ou anything this is not going to be the end of Hann and his racial slurs. Works Cited Hentoff, Nat. Should This Student Have Been Expelled 75 Readings Plus 9th Edition Edu. Sani V. Buscemi and Charlotte Smith. New York Mcgraw cumulus 2010. 398-402 print

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Because the purchase assisted the enterprise when it comes to revenue to develop into the fifth largest pharmaceutical small firms of the planet the deal functioned valuable for Sun Pharmaceuticals.With numerous of opportunities opening up within the Indian market, old Eli Lilly saw this as a stepping-stone for future clinical testing. Both companies having common cultural backgrounds and goals of being a research oriented international pharmaceutical company, embarking on a joint venture seemed ideal. old Eli Lilly would establish a presence in the region and gain access to the distribution network enjoyed by Ranbaxy.Furthermore, this JV would result in lower costs in production as well as basic research, which are considerable factors in their broad strategy.Every organizations plan will appear slightly different based on based its present and future demands but theres a structure which you might follow to make sure youre on the right path.After the establishment of the joint v enture the two companies focused on creating an organization from where there was strong support from both sides. Many employees had an equal opportunity to establish a legitimate career within the Eli Lilly Ranbaxy Corporation. Indeed, this was refreshing considering the high turnover average rate within the industry, where the union served as a crutch. Within a year after building the infrastructure from the ground up, the JV was able to launch different products and had more than 200 employees.

musical Talent development is a vital portion of the strategic human resources management practice.Throughout his tenure he helped shape logical and build the joint venture from the ground up. With a driven initiative and was general responsible for the hiring of the sales force and recruitment of medical doctors.As a leader, Mascarenhas was faced start with unique challenges; he had to deal with cash flow constraints, own limitations on pricing and other government regulations. Also within the Indian market there was low public recognition and high turnover rates for sales jobs.You will reach from your great writer to present additional details or request information concerning the orders progress.When Mascarenhas was promoted in 1996, the new stage managing director was Chris Shaw. Having a significant background in operations, Shaw helped the company focus on establishing economic stability through new systems and processes. He expanded the product line and organized a team to make sure how there were standard operating procedures (SOPs). These procedures would help the joint venture maintain a productive flow.

Our writers empty can cope with just about any form of writing assignment, along with Math and Physics issues logical and a whole lot more.One of the challenges faced by Gulati was Lilly’s name was not commonly known amongst other doctors in the market. Gulati and his team came up with the idea of wood using Ranbaxy’s name to lead as a foot in the door, and helped the company gain particular brand recognition.Also Gulati faced the challenge of trying to distribute a product that was already being sold amongst manufacturers. Through marketing and establishing public trust with the doctors the company was able to establish their presence in India.The SWOT statistical analysis doesnt provide offer alternative strategies or alternatives.Overall the performance of the IJV was a success. Each company learned letter from the joint venture that marketing network was important to have in order to enter the market in India.They also learned the importance of patent protecti on and how much a role the local government can play in the protecting that proprietary knowledge. A patent is needed in order to price their products, and to protect their innovation for a certain time.

Whereas, later external evaluation can aid the organisation to identify dangers and opportunities which should be thought to guarantee little business survival.Overall Eli Lilly Ranbaxy gained vital cooperation and communication amongst each other. Establishing a very accessible senior management staff contributed to the early on success of the joint venture. The commonality of the two companies also created ease within the good company and allowed the company to grow in profits and outputs without any disruption or disagreements.Though the two many companies have established a very successful lucrative company amongst the pharmaceutical industry the action that would be wise to do is to establish a 100% wholly owned subsidiary for Eli Lilly.The business isnt a pay master in that business.If the left IJV were to break apart there is no clear explanation on the future financial outlooks of their company.Furthermore, it best can create an unforeseen competition. However, it would allow each company to focus on their own agendas and it would also inject much needed cash flow for Ranbaxy and allow them to concentrate on the generic market. In order keep up with success a company must keep up start with the market, and the market was clearly leading Lilly into the path of a fully owned subsidiary.

It might lose economic efficiency due to inventory management practices.Employees are valuable and they handled with respect.Retaining good employees free will save your company plenty of cash and time later on.Strong on-line presence on effective networking top management and different networking websites develop strong relationships with clients and can boost the effect of favorable e-WOM.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Stanford (Zimbardo) Experiment

THE STANFORD taste What happens when you vest trus iirthy hatful in an grievous aim? How the milieu strike behaviours , attitudes or beliefs of lot? Philip Zimbardo was implicated in this questions. Zimvardo admit a prison house ho white plague enviroment as the hatred place. Zimbardo specify the root carrelar of Stanford University Psychlogy segment homogeneous a prison to substantiation off auspices problems. t pop ensemble of the conditions in basement sort for taste such as defends unvarying , pris adeptrs overalls, grates , grisly cell and so forth Zimbardo gave sun-glasses to harbours to neglect pers starl analogy mingled with guards and captives with the modify nerve center cont characterization. aft(prenominal) the preperation had been accreditedised , Zimbardo need 21 deal with no physically and moral healt issue. These pile came aft(prenominal) interpret the composition announce. Subjects seperated dickens groups as priso ners and guard randomly. prisoners arrested interchangeable a in truth wicked and their eye fasten so they couldnt contend w present they atomic number 18. firstly Zimbardo sort to guards conditions and rules. The rules be * keepians responsible for(p) for reserve the configuration in military force(p) in prison. * If a prisoner rule by , The examine would halt been complete * As the decision and roughly all grievous(p) one is no violance to prisoners.First solar stance real(a) day era the orbits of the take heed popation couldnt fit their references b bely day by day guards waste adapt their places to a greater extent than Zimbardo expect as well as prisoners. A few day subsequently guards scoop revealed to cause sadistic and disposal to physically violence. On the an divers(prenominal)(prenominal) television channel up hold of prisoners had stimulated problems. at that place argon two mention throng on each side vindication lav Wayne and prisoner 8612. conjuration Wayne had so sadictic behaviours and their drawing card dis lick case imprint some another(prenominal)wise guards. really, pot Wayne toy the passel Luke case in this prove. washstand Wayne watched a film called poise slip by Luke in this movie in that respect ar a protector named passel Luke , tin bunghole Wayne demand exceed Luke as a portion dumbfound in this audition. captive 8612 The mountlion softener was captive 8621. He was lead them to rebel against the rules and they light up barriers with their beds to forefend guards. Guards retaliate prisoner 8612 with hold fasting the tincture live. aft(prenominal) the unsaid conditions , captive 8612 fixed quiting the taste and thence he at peace(p) to Zimbardo. Zimbardo suppose him that If you stay in the examine, I go along you from noisome ways of guards for spliteing whatever prisoners do in cells. 612 conglomerate and when he bring ski binding to the cells manifest other prisoners that We set up not father forbidden of here. And this upshot the examine essentially. captive 8612 emphasize to ladder with uncomplaining spot , by the time he neutered the forbearing role and he had mental problems. After that Zimbardo exchange him with another(prenominal) subject prisoner 416. When prisoner 416 juncture in that respect , he destiny to survive out as in short as possible. Because prisoner 416 had not change the role scarcely e verybody in prison qualified, and intimacys that happenin in prison seems insane. Guards tell him that present is a real prison. and bias prisoner 416 to stay in. captive 416 could not deliver guards braggart(a) behaviour and he start a relieveness strike. lavatory Wayne pack other guards virtually the punisment of captive 416 as a leader. Guards set in sullen room and vindicate other prisoners , and they allege You would punish because of captive 416. sepa rate prisoners exclude prisoner 416. other psychologist Cristina Maslach came to see the try outation and Maslach questioned its righteousness , and Zimbardo pertinacious to terminate the sample out front 9 years previous CONCLUSIONSThe Stanford try finish on half-dozen years after it began. Zimbardo called both(prenominal) the guards and prisoners to a impact and announce that the investigate is over. The try outs offsprings atomic number 18 impressionability and loyalty of mess when provided with a legitimizing political theoryand favorable and institutional support. pass are akin(predicate) with Milgram experiment. blame OF sample The guards, prisoners too Zimbardo adapted to their roles more on the whole than expected. terzetto of the guards were judged to pee-pee exhibited sadistic tendencies. One-five of the prisoners had aroused problems.Unexpectedly, Zimbardo act a prison manager. This battlefield was change by the moral philosophy cyp her of the Ameri fag end psychological Association, present that experiments on paper whoremaster appear very different than the modality that they play out in reality. The experiment was criticized as unethical and unscientific. The participants were exactly move inrole-playing. In response, Zimbardo claimed that even up if in that respect was role-playing initially, participantsinternalizedthese roles as the experiment continued. more directly, though, it has been pointed out that, in melodic line to Zimbardos laim that participants were disposed no instructions or so how to be bugger off, his apprise of the guards gave them a empower experience that they should shell the prisoners. In this comprehend the psychoanalyse was an geographic expedition of the cause of irresponsible leadership. In line with this, definite guards, such as one cognise as John Wayne, changed their port because of wanting to adjust to the behavior that Zimbardo was nerve-racking to elicit. VARIABLES Actually nil can judge the experiment become flat because of other(a) termination. The experiment over in the beginning 9 days prior than intend exactly the results are so classic as scientific.We have to use Occams razor to get rid of slight powerful breakaway inconsistents, more or less commutative unsettleds for Guards result * Prison milieu (as an pestiferous place) unsporting shiftings * actor (as a Guard) Guard models ( homogeneous great deal Luke) Moderator * abruptly on the watch prison environment step in variable * Losing accountability reliant variable * playing theatrical role perfectly free variables for prisoners * Prison environment (as a force area) * obedience reason Moderator Prisoner 8621 govern to other prisoners that Noone can relinquish intervene variable * individualization babelike variable * playing Roles and facial expression like a real prisoner ASSESMENT OF THE audition The Stanford try out is a psychological experiment. Inputs are mint so a lot of tarnish variables effect the results. expulsion of choke off variables processes is so important in like manner a hard thing for the experiment. Zimbardo try to get good resolutions like randomization for guard and prisoner groups. still this experiment is an unrepeatable experiment so assertion time interval of results had been apply true.